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2021-12-01 19:13:34 +01:00
# List of UNIX group which will have full root access, using sudo
system_admin_groups: ['admins','Domain\ Admins']
# Email address of the admin (will receive root email)
# system_admin_email:
# List of basic system utilisties to install
# (Common list for EL and Debian based distro)
- htop
- screen
- iftop
- tcpdump
- lzop
- vim
- bash-completion
- rsync
- lsof
- net-tools
- sysstat
- pciutils
- strace
- wget
- man-db
- unzip
- openssl
- pv
- less
- nano
- tree
- mc
- tar
# Kernel modules to load
system_kmods: []
# List of extra package to install
system_extra_pkgs: []
# MegaCLI tool version
megacli_version: 8.07.14-1
# List of FS to mount
fstab: []
# fstab:
# - name: /mnt/data
# src:
# opts: noatime
# fstype: nfs
# state: present
# boot: yes
# Various SELinux booleans
sebool: []
# sebool:
# - name: httpd_use_fusefs
# state: True
# persistent: True
system_swappiness: 10
system_sysctl: {}
# system_sysctl:
# vm.vfs_cache_pressure: 500
# vm.dirty_ratio: 10
# vm.dirty_background_ratio: 5
# Disable traditional rsyslog daemon
system_disable_syslog: False
# Send journald logs to a remote server using systemd-journal-upload
# system_journal_remote_uri:
# Max disk space used by the Journal. Default is 10% of the available space. But must be exressed as an absolute value in the conf
# We can specify the max amount of space used, and the min amount of space left free. The smallest limit will apply
system_journal_max_use: 3G
system_journal_keep_free: 2G
# System Timezone
system_tz: 'Europe/Paris'
# Tuned profile to apply. If undefined, virt-host and virt-guest are applied automatically when needed
# system_tuned_profile: enterprise-storage
# Frquency of the fstrim cron job. Can be daily, weekly or monthly
system_fstrim_freq: weekly
ls: 'ls $LS_OPTIONS'
ll: 'ls $LS_OPTIONS -l'
l: 'ls $LS_OPTIONS -lA'
rm: 'rm -i'
cp: 'cp -i'
mv: 'mv -i'
2022-01-12 10:14:43 +01:00
sudo: 'sudo ' # Allow alias expansion after sudo
2021-12-01 19:13:34 +01:00
system_extra_bash_aliases: {}
system_bash_aliases: "{{ system_base_bash_aliases | combine(system_extra_bash_aliases, recursive=True) }}"
# shell scriplet to exec on boot
system_rc_local_base_cmd: []
system_rc_local_extra_cmd: []
system_rc_local_cmd: "{{ system_rc_local_base_cmd + system_rc_local_extra_cmd }}"
# shell scriplet to exec on shutdown
system_rc_local_shutdown_base_cmd: []
system_rc_local_shutdown_extra_cmd: []
system_rc_local_shutdown_cmd: "{{ system_rc_local_shutdown_base_cmd + system_rc_local_shutdown_extra_cmd }}"
2021-12-13 23:00:23 +01:00
# Optional : if system_ansible_ssh_keys is set (to a list of public SSH keys)
# it'll configure the keys for the ansible user. If not set, you have to configure it manually
# or with the ssh_users / ssh_extra_users
# system_ansible_ssh_keys: []
# if set, will add the following options to the ssh keys for ansible
- no-X11-forwarding
- no-agent-forwarding
- no-pty
# If set, will restrict the ansible ssh keys to the configured IP.
# An empty list means no restriction
system_ansible_src_ip: []
2021-12-01 19:13:34 +01:00