--- - name: Install Asterisk and its dependencies yum: name={{ fpbx_packages }} tags: fpbx - name: Install music on hold and languages packages yum: name={{ fpbx_moh_pkg + fpbx_snd_pkg }} tags: fpbx - name: Link MariaDB ODBC connector to emulate MySQL connector file: src=/usr/lib64/libmaodbc.so dest=/usr/lib64/libmyodbc5.so state=link tags: fpbx - name: Create a user for provisioning user: name: phone home: "{{ fpbx_root_dir }}/provisioning" shell: /bin/rbash password: "{{ fpbx_phone_pass | password_hash('sha256', 65535 | random(seed=inventory_hostname) | string) }}" tags: fpbx - when: fpbx_install_mode != 'none' block: - name: Download FreePBX get_url: url: "{{ fpbx_archive_url }}" dest: "{{ fpbx_root_dir }}/tmp/" checksum: "sha256:{{ fpbx_archive_sha256 }}" - name: Extract fpbx archive unarchive: src: "{{ fpbx_root_dir }}/tmp/freepbx-{{ fpbx_version }}-latest.tgz" dest: "{{ fpbx_root_dir }}/tmp" remote_src: True tags: fpbx # Create the FreePBX database - import_tasks: ../includes/webapps_create_mysql_db.yml vars: - db_name: "{{ fpbx_db_name }}" - db_user: "{{ fpbx_db_user }}" - db_server: "{{ fpbx_db_server }}" - db_pass: "{{ fpbx_db_pass }}" - append_privs: True tags: fpbx # Create the CDR database - import_tasks: ../includes/webapps_create_mysql_db.yml vars: - db_name: "{{ fpbx_cdr_db_name }}" - db_user: "{{ fpbx_db_user }}" - db_server: "{{ fpbx_db_server }}" - db_pass: "{{ fpbx_db_pass }}" - append_privs: True tags: fpbx - when: fpbx_install_mode == 'install' block: - name: Ensure asterisk is running service: name=asterisk state=started - name: Remove config file before installation file: path={{ item }} state=absent loop: - /etc/freepbx.conf - /etc/amportal.conf - name: Install base framework command: > scl enable php{{ fpbx_php_version }} -- ./install -n --webroot={{ fpbx_root_dir }}/web --dbengine=mysql --dbuser={{ fpbx_db_user }} --dbname={{ fpbx_db_name }} --cdrdbname={{ fpbx_cdr_db_name }} --dbpass={{ fpbx_db_pass | quote }} --astmoddir=/usr/lib64/asterisk/modules/ --astagidir=/usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin/ --ampsbin=/usr/local/bin --ampcgibin=/opt/freepbx/cgi-bin args: chdir: "{{ fpbx_root_dir }}/tmp/freepbx" tags: fpbx - name: Check for wrapper symlinks stat: path=/usr/local/bin/{{ item }} register: fpbx_wrapper_links loop: - fwconsole - amportal tags: fpbx - name: Remove symlinks file: path=/usr/local/bin/{{ item.item }} state=absent when: item.stat.islnk is defined and item.stat.islnk loop: "{{ fpbx_wrapper_links.results }}" tags: fpbx - name: Install wrappers template: src={{ item }}.j2 dest=/usr/local/bin/{{ item }} mode=755 loop: - fwconsole - amportal tags: fpbx - name: Install safe_asterisk copy: src=safe_asterisk dest=/usr/local/bin/safe_asterisk mode=755 tags: fpbx - name: Ensure asterisk service is stopped and disabled service: name=asterisk state=stopped enabled=False tags: fpbx - name: Deploy FreePBX service unit template: src=freepbx.service.j2 dest=/etc/systemd/system/freepbx.service register: fpbx_unit notify: restart freepbx tags: fpbx - name: Reload systemd systemd: daemon_reload=True when: fpbx_unit.changed tags: fpbx - name: Deploy pre/post backup scripts template: src={{ item }}_backup.sh.j2 dest=/etc/backup/{{ item }}.d/freepbx.sh mode=750 loop: - pre - post tags: fpbx - name: Install agi scripts copy: src=agi/{{ item }} dest=/usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin/{{ item }} mode=750 group=asterisk loop: - jitsi_conf_pin tags: fpbx - name: Install dehydrated hook template: src=dehydrated_hook.j2 dest=/etc/dehydrated/hooks_deploy_cert.d/freepbx.sh mode=755 tags: fpbx # PM2 requires the php command available in PATH - name: Add a link to php file: src=/bin/php{{ fpbx_php_version }} dest=/usr/local/bin/php state=link tags: fpbx