--- # Version to deploy n8n_version: 0.181.2 # Root directory where n8n will be installed n8n_root_dir: /opt/n8n # User account under which n8n will run n8n_user: n8n # Should ansible manage upgrades ? If False, only the initial install will be handled n8n_manage_upgrade: True # Port on which n8n will bind to expose its web interface n8n_port: 8021 # List of IP / CIDR allowed to access n8n_port n8n_src_ip: [] n8n_db_server: "{{ mysql_server | default('localhost') }}" n8n_db_port: 3306 n8n_db_name: n8n n8n_db_user: n8n # If not defined, a random one will be created and stored in the {{ n8n_root_dir }}/meta/ansible_dbpass #n8n_db_pass: S3cR3t. # Config dfirectives, will be translated to json in {{ n8n_root_dir }}/etc/n8n.json n8n_config_base: database: type: mysqldb mysqldb: database: "{{ n8n_db_name }}" host: "{{ n8n_db_server }}" port: "{{ n8n_db_port }}" user: "{{ n8n_db_user }}" password: "{{ n8n_db_pass }}" generic: timezone: "{{ system_tz | default('Europe/Paris') }}" port: "{{ n8n_port }}" # This lets you override just part of the defaults n8n_config_extra: {} n8n_config: "{{ n8n_config_base | combine(n8n_config_extra,recursive=True) }}" # An optional list of extra module to install n8n_extra_node_modules: [] # The URL which will be used to reach n8n. # You'll likely have to change it, especially if n8n runs behind a reverse proxy n8n_public_url: http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ n8n_port }}/ # A secret key used to encrypt data in the DB. A random one is created is not defined here # n8n_secret_key: p@ssW0rd # If enabled, the systemd unit will have ProtectSystem=yes # This is recommended most of the time, but there are cases where you might want n8n to # be able to write under /usr n8n_protect_system: True # How long to keep workflow execution logs in the DB before pruning them. # The value is in hours. Default is 90 days n8n_data_max_age: 2160 # Memory limit for the service, in MB n8n_mem_limit: 2048 # Extra env var to pass to the service # n8n_env_var: # NODE_FUNCTION_ALLOW_BUILTIN: request-promise-native n8n_env_var: {} # Should user management be enabled ? # If False, n8n editor will be accessible wihtout authentication at all # so be sure to protect it by other mean (eg, at the reverse proxy level) n8n_user_management: True # SMTP settings n8n_smtp_server: localhost n8n_smtp_port: 25 #n8n_smtp_user: n8n@example.org #n8n_smtp_pass: S3cr3t. n8n_smtp_sender: n8n-noreply@{{ ansible_domain }} n8n_smtp_ssl: False