# {{ ansible_managed }} {% for vhost in httpd_ansible_vhosts | default([]) %} ##################################### ## Plain vhost for {{ vhost.name }} ##################################### ServerName {{ vhost.name }} {% if vhost.full_config is defined %} {{ vhost.full_config | indent(2, true) }} {% else %} {% if vhost.aliases is defined %} ServerAlias {{ vhost.aliases | default([]) | join(' ') }} {% endif %} {% if vhost.webmaster_email is defined %} ServerAdmin {{ vhost.webmaster_email }} {% endif %} {% if vhost.custom_pre is defined %} {{ vhost.custom_pre | indent(2, true) }} {% endif %} {% if vhost.set_remote_user_from_header is defined %} # Read {{ vhost.set_remote_user_from_header }} header from proxy and set REMOTE_USER RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP:{{ vhost.set_remote_user_from_header }}} ^(\w+)$ RewriteRule .* - [E=REMOTE_USER:%1] {% endif %} DocumentRoot {{ vhost.document_root | default('/var/www/html/default') }} {% if vhost.maintenance | default(False) %} Include ansible_conf.d/common_maintenance.inc {% else %} Alias /_deferror/ "/usr/share/httpd/error/" Include ansible_conf.d/common_env.inc {% if vhost.common_perf | default((httpd_log_format == 'combined_virtual_backend') | ternary(False,True)) %} Include ansible_conf.d/common_perf.inc {% endif %} {% if vhost.common_filter | default((httpd_log_format == 'combined_virtual_backend') | ternary(False,True)) %} Include ansible_conf.d/common_filter.inc {% endif %} {% if vhost.common_cache | default(False) %} Include ansible_conf.d/common_cache.inc {% endif %} {% if vhost.ssl is defined and vhost.ssl.enabled | default((httpd_log_format == 'combined_virtual_backend') | ternary(False,True)) and vhost.ssl.forced | default((httpd_log_format == 'combined_virtual_backend') | ternary(False,True)) %} Include ansible_conf.d/common_force_ssl.inc {% endif %} {% if ((vhost.common_letsencrypt is defined and vhost.common_letsencrypt) or (vhost.ssl is defined and vhost.ssl.letsencrypt_cert is defined )) | default(False) %} Include ansible_conf.d/common_letsencrypt.inc {% endif %} {% if vhost.common_mod_security | default(False) == True or vhost.common_mod_security | default(False) == 'audit' %} Include ansible_conf.d/common_mod_security2.inc {% if vhost.common_mod_security | default(False) == 'audit' %} SecRuleEngine DetectionOnly {% endif %} {% for id in vhost.mod_security_disabled_rules | default([]) %} SecRuleRemoveById {{ id }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if vhost.include_conf is defined %} {% for include in vhost.include_conf | default([]) %} Include {{ include }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if vhost.proxypass is defined %} {% if vhost.proxypass is match('^https://') %} SSLProxyEngine On {% endif %} RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "http" ProxyPass /.well-known/acme-challenge ! ProxyPass /_deferror/ ! ProxyPreserveHost {{ vhost.proxypreservehost | default(True) | ternary('On','Off') }} # WebSocket proxy handling RewriteCond %{HTTP:UPGRADE} ^WebSocket$ [NC] RewriteCond %{HTTP:CONNECTION} Upgrade$ [NC] RewriteRule .* {{ vhost.proxypass | regex_replace('^http','ws') }}%{REQUEST_URI} [P] # Normal proxy ProxyPass / {{ vhost.proxypass }} ProxyPassReverse / {{ vhost.proxypass }} {% endif %} {% if vhost.src_ip is defined %} {% if vhost.src_ip | length < 1 %} Require all denied {% else %} Require ip {{ vhost.src_ip | join(' ') }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if vhost.custom_post is defined %} {{ vhost.custom_post | indent(2, true) }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if vhost.ssl is defined and vhost.ssl.enabled | default((httpd_log_format == 'combined_virtual_backend') | ternary(False,True)) %} ##################################### ## SSL vhost for {{ vhost.name }} ##################################### ServerName {{ vhost.name }} {% if vhost.ssl.full_config is defined %} {{ vhost.ssl.full_config | indent(4, true) }} {% else %} {% if vhost.aliases is defined %} ServerAlias {{ vhost.aliases | default([]) | join(' ') }} {% endif %} {% if vhost.webmaster_email is defined %} ServerAdmin {{ vhost.webmaster_email }} {% endif %} {% if vhost.custom_pre is defined %} {{ vhost.custom_pre | indent(4, true) }} {% endif %} {% if vhost.set_remote_user_from_header is defined %} # Read {{ vhost.set_remote_user_from_header }} header from proxy and set REMOTE_USER RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP:{{ vhost.set_remote_user_from_header }}} ^(\w+)$ RewriteRule .* - [E=REMOTE_USER:%1] {% endif %} DocumentRoot {{ vhost.document_root | default('/var/www/html/default') }} SSLEngine On {% if vhost.maintenance | default(False) %} Include ansible_conf.d/common_maintenance.inc {% else %} Alias /_deferror/ "/usr/share/httpd/error/" {% if vhost.ssl.cert is defined and vhost.ssl.key is defined %} SSLCertificateFile {{ vhost.ssl.cert }} SSLCertificateKeyFile {{ vhost.ssl.key }} {% if vhost.ssl.cert_chain is defined %} SSLCertificateChainFile {{ vhost.ssl.cert_chain }} {% endif %} {% elif vhost.ssl.letsencrypt_cert is defined %} SSLCertificateFile /var/lib/dehydrated/certificates/certs/{{ vhost.ssl.letsencrypt_cert }}/cert.pem SSLCertificateKeyFile /var/lib/dehydrated/certificates/certs/{{ vhost.ssl.letsencrypt_cert }}/privkey.pem SSLCertificateChainFile /var/lib/dehydrated/certificates/certs/{{ vhost.ssl.letsencrypt_cert }}/chain.pem {% endif %} Include ansible_conf.d/common_env.inc {% if vhost.common_perf | default(True) %} Include ansible_conf.d/common_perf.inc {% endif %} {% if vhost.common_filter | default(True) %} Include ansible_conf.d/common_filter.inc {% endif %} {% if vhost.common_cache | default(False) %} Include ansible_conf.d/common_cache.inc {% endif %} {% if vhost.include_conf is defined %} {% for include in vhost.include_conf | default([]) %} Include {{ include }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if ((vhost.common_letsencrypt is defined and vhost.common_letsencrypt) or (vhost.ssl is defined and vhost.ssl.letsencrypt_cert is defined )) | default(False) %} Include ansible_conf.d/common_letsencrypt.inc {% endif %} {% if vhost.common_mod_security | default(False) == True or vhost.common_mod_security | default(False) == 'audit' %} Include ansible_conf.d/common_mod_security2.inc {% if vhost.common_mod_security | default(False) == 'audit' %} SecRuleEngine DetectionOnly {% endif %} {% for id in vhost.mod_security_disabled_rules | default([]) %} SecRuleRemoveById {{ id }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if vhost.proxypass is defined %} {% if vhost.proxypass is match('^https://') %} SSLProxyEngine On {% endif %} RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "https" ProxyPass /.well-known/acme-challenge ! ProxyPass /_deferror/ ! ProxyPreserveHost {{ vhost.proxypreservehost | default(True) | ternary('On','Off') }} # WebSocket proxy handling RewriteCond %{HTTP:UPGRADE} ^WebSocket$ [NC] RewriteCond %{HTTP:CONNECTION} Upgrade$ [NC] RewriteRule .* {{ vhost.proxypass | regex_replace('^http','ws') }}%{REQUEST_URI} [P] # Normal proxy ProxyPass / {{ vhost.proxypass }} ProxyPassReverse / {{ vhost.proxypass }} {% endif %} {% if vhost.src_ip is defined %} {% if vhost.src_ip | length < 1 %} Require all denied {% else %} Require ip {{ vhost.src_ip | join(' ') }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if vhost.custom_post is defined %} {{ vhost.custom_post | indent(4, true) }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %} ##################################### ## End of config for {{ vhost.name }} ##################################### {% endfor %}