--- itop_id: 1 itop_manage_upgrade: True itop_version: 2.7.5-1 itop_build: 7770 itop_archive_url: https://sourceforge.net/projects/itop/files/itop/{{ itop_version }}/iTop-{{ itop_version }}-{{ itop_build }}.zip itop_archive_sha1: edff7fb8d5a79ed31a8065f4b7350d4ae4686af1 itop_php_cas_version: 1.4.0 itop_php_cas_archive_url: https://github.com/apereo/phpCAS/releases/download/{{ itop_php_cas_version }}/CAS-{{ itop_php_cas_version }}.tgz itop_php_cas_archive_sha1: 9052431246c95c17b4d67775af7b5b2fb482be44 itop_root_dir: /opt/itop_{{ itop_id }} itop_php_user: php-itop_{{ itop_id }} itop_php_version: 74 # If you prefer using a custom PHP FPM pool, set it's name. # You might need to adjust itop_php_user # itop_php_fpm_pool: custom_itop itop_db_server: "{{ mysql_server | default('localhost') }}" # itop_db_port: 3306 itop_db_name: itop_{{ itop_id }} itop_db_user: itop_{{ itop_id }} # If not defined, a random pass will be generated and stored in the meta directory (under itop_root_dir) # itop_db_pass: itop # itop_alias: itop # itop_src_ip: [] # - # - # Cron task needs a user and a pass, so it won't be enabled until you set it # itop_cron_user: cron # itop_cron_pass: secret