--- - name: Remove unused config file: path=/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config state=absent when: rabbitmq_conf == 'rabbit.conf' notify: restart rabbitmq-server tags: rabbit # Create a self signed cert. This is needed even if a cert is later obtained with dehydrated as # rabbitmq must be started before that - import_tasks: ../includes/create_selfsigned_cert.yml vars: - cert_path: /etc/rabbitmq/ssl/cert.pem - cert_key_path: /etc/rabbitmq/ssl/key.pem - cert_user: rabbitmq tags: rabbitmq - name: Check if the cert chain exists stat: path=/etc/rabbitmq/ssl/chain.pem register: rabbitmq_ssl_chain tags: rabbitmq - name: Copy the cert on the chain file copy: src=/etc/rabbitmq/ssl/cert.pem dest=/etc/rabbitmq/ssl/chain.pem remote_src=True when: not rabbitmq_ssl_chain.stat.exists tags: rabbitmq - name: Deploy configuration template: src={{ rabbitmq_conf }}.j2 dest=/etc/rabbitmq/{{ rabbitmq_conf }} notify: restart rabbitmq-server tags: rabbitmq - name: Deploy plugins to enable template: src=enabled_plugins.j2 dest=/etc/rabbitmq/enabled_plugins notify: restart rabbitmq-server tags: rabbitmq