[uwsgi] http-socket ={{ mailman_web_port }} virtualenv = {{ mailman_root_dir }}/venv/ module=mailman_web.wsgi:application env = DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings # Setup default number of processes and threads per process. master = true process = 2 threads = 2 # Setup the django_q related worker processes. attach-daemon = mailman-web qcluster # Setup the request log. req-logger = file:{{ mailman_root_dir }}/log/uwsgi.log # Log qcluster commands seperately. logger = qcluster syslog:mailman-web log-route = qcluster uwsgi-daemons # Last log and it logs the rest of the stuff. logger = syslog:mailman-web # Static assets check-static = {{ mailman_root_dir }}/web