--- pmg_api_ports: [8006] pmg_api_src_ip: "{{ trusted_ip | default(['']) }}" pmg_smtp_ext_ports: - 25 pmg_smtp_ext_src_ip: - pmg_smtp_int_ports: - 26 pmg_smtp_int_src_ip: "{{ trusted_ip | default(['']) }}" pmg_dkim_sign: [] # pmg_dkim_sign: # - domain: '*' # selector: default # priority: 999 # opendkim will resolv names itself, # bypassing /etc/resolv.conf by default. Set here a list of DNS server # to use if you want to use specific name servers pmg_dkim_nameservers: [] # You can give an imap account, and PMG will fetch email and learn as spam/ham # pmg_bayes_imap_server: imap.domain.net # Security used. Can be none, starttls or tls pmg_bayes_imap_security: starttls # pmg_bayes_imap_user: pmg-sa-learn@domain.tld # pmg_bayes_imap_pass: XXXX pmg_bayes_imap_spam: Spam pmg_bayes_imap_ham: Ham # If spam/ham are just plain email, set it to false. But if they are attached # as message/rfc822 (it's the case for example with Zimbra spam / non spam buttons) # then set it to true. If true, the script will extract the first rfc822 attachment # and feed it to sa-learn instead of feeding the outer email pmg_bayes_imap_attachment: False # Should we use the openfish feeds. They should only be used for personal usage # unless allowed by openphish. See https://openphish.com/feed.txt pmg_use_openphish: False