--- rpm_root_dir: /opt/rpm-build rpm_packager: RPM Builder # User account under which the buildsys will run # will be created rpm_user: rpmbuilder # Unix group allowed to submit builds rpm_build_group: rpmbuilders # name of the GPG key used to sign the packages rpm_gpg_name: RPM Signing Key rpm_gpg_email: rpms@{{ ansible_domain }} # optional passphrase for the GPG Key # rpm_gpg_pass: S3cr3tP@ssPhr4z # You can configure remote mirrors to which the local repo will be synced with rsync # rpm_mirrors: # - dest: repo@repo.example.org:/opt/repo/rpms/ # rsync_opts: # - '--times' # - '--recursive' # - '--partial' # - '--delete-after' # - '--exclude=archives' # A list of rsync options which will be used to sync repo to mirrors # This is a fallback if rsync_opts is not defined for a mirror rpm_mirror_rsync_opts: - '--times' - '--recursive' - '--partial' - '--delete-after' # You can use an LDAP server to lookup email address of build # submitters. The buildsys will first get the username of the uploaded SRPM # and then lookup into LDAP as configured here for the corresponding email address # If an email if found, notifications will be sent to the submitter's address rpm_ldap_servers: "{{ ad_ldap_servers is defined | ternary(ad_ldap_servers | map('regex_replace', '^(.*)', 'ldap://\\1') | list, []) }}" rpm_ldap_start_tls: True # rpm_ldap_bind_dn: CN=Build System,OU=Apps,DC=foo,DC=bar # rpm_ldap_bind_pass: S3cr3t. rpm_ldap_search_base: "{{ ad_ldap_user_search_base is defined | ternary(ad_ldap_user_search_base, ansible_domain | regex_replace('\\.', ',DC=')) }}" # The {user} string will be replaced with the username of the submiter of the build rpm_ldap_search_filter: (&(objectClass=user)(userPrincipalName={user})(mail=*)) rpm_ldap_email_attr: mail