--- # Version to deploy sftpgo_version: 2.3.3 # URL of the archive sftpgo_archive_url: https://github.com/drakkan/sftpgo/releases/download/v{{ sftpgo_version }}/sftpgo_v{{ sftpgo_version }}_linux_x86_64.tar.xz # Expected sha1 of the archive sftpgo_archive_sha256: 66422b506f17aa95e403b32412018785a6bf63361fcdccc7e7b1c5d5760dd3ff # Should ansible handle upgrades ? If False, only initial install will be done sftpgo_manage_upgrade: True # Root dir where sftpgo will be installed sftpgo_root_dir: /opt/sftpgo # User account under which sftpgo will run sftpgo_user: sftpgo # Database settings # Engine can be sqlite or mysql sftpgo_db_engine: mysql # Settings for mysql engine sftpgo_db_server: "{{ mysql_server | default('localhost') }}" sftpgo_db_port: 3306 sftpgo_db_name: sftpgo sftpgo_db_user: sftpgo # If the password is not defined, a random one will be created and stored under {{ sftpgo_root_dir }}/meta/ansible_dbpass # sftpgo_db_pass: S3cr3t. # You can restrict access per port. This can be a list of IP (or network in CIDR notation) # Access will be controlled by iptables sftpgo_src_ip: [] sftpgo_sftpd_src_ip: "{{ sftpgo_src_ip }}" sftpgo_ftpd_src_ip: "{{ sftpgo_src_ip }}" sftpgo_webdavd_src_ip: "{{ sftpgo_src_ip }}" sftpgo_httpd_src_ip: "{{ sftpgo_src_ip }}" sftpgo_telemetry_src_ip: [] # Base configuration of the service sftpgo_base_conf: common: upload_mode: 1 setstat_mode: 1 temp_path: "{{ sftpgo_root_dir }}/tmp" max_total_connections: 500 max_per_host_connections: 20 defender: enabled: True ban_time: 5 ban_time_increment: 50 threshold: 20 score_invalid: 10 score_valid: 1 score_limit_exceeded: 10 observation_time: 10 sftpd: bindings: port: 2022 max_auth_tries: 4 ftpd: bindings: port: 2021 passive_port_range: start: 50000 end: 50200 force_passive_ip: '' disable_active_mode: True # If you want to use Let's Encrypt cert (obtain with dehydrated), you can set # certificate_file: letsencrypt:mycert.example.org # No need to configure certificate_key_file, the role will handle it webdavd: bindings: port: 2080 address: prefix: /dav proxy_allowed: [] data_provider: driver: "{{ sftpgo_db_engine }}" name: "{{ (sftpgo_db_engine == 'mysql') | ternary(sftpgo_db_name, sftpgo_root_dir ~ '/data/sftpgo.sqlite') }}" host: "{{ sftpgo_db_server }}" port: "{{ sftpgo_db_port }}" username: "{{ sftpgo_db_user }}" password: "{{ sftpgo_db_pass }}" track_quota: 1 delayed_quota_update: 60 pool_size: 5 users_base_dir: "{{ sftpgo_root_dir }}/data/home/" # If you want to allow anonymous FTP, you can create a user named anonymous (set a password to whatever you want, it won't be checked) # and enable the following settings # This hook will accept any password for the anonymous user # check_password_hook: "{{ sftpgo_root_dir }}/bin/anonymous-ftp-password-hook" # This will restrict the hook to the FTP protocol # check_password_scope: 2 httpd: bindings: port: 8080 address: proxy_allowed: [] enable_web_admin: True enable_web_client: True templates_path: "{{ sftpgo_root_dir }}/app/templates" static_files_path: "{{ sftpgo_root_dir }}/app/static" backups_path: "{{ sftpgo_root_dir }}/backup" max_upload_file_size: 1048576000 telemetry: bind_port: 8081 bind_address: smtp: host: localhost port: 25 from: FTP Service templates_path: "{{ sftpgo_root_dir }}/app/templates" # You can override and/or add custom settings here. Same format as sftpgo_base_conf # The extra conf will be merged on top of the base conf sftpgo_extra_conf: {} sftpgo_conf: "{{ sftpgo_base_conf | combine(sftpgo_extra_conf, recursive=True) }}"