--- # Version to deploy nd_version: 0.47.0 # URL of the archive nd_archive_url: https://github.com/navidrome/navidrome/releases/download/v{{ nd_version }}/navidrome_{{ nd_version }}_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz # Expected sha1 of the archive nd_archive_sha1: 3d06456e26953931399d001f1d3c412f48ac9f34 # Should ansible handle upgrades, or only initial install ? nd_manage_upgrade: True # Where navidrome will be installed nd_root_dir: /opt/navidrome # User account under which the service will run. Will be created nd_user: navidrome # Port navidrome will listen on nd_port: 4533 # List of IP addresses or CIDR allowed to access the port (only if iptables_manage is True) nd_src_ip: {} # Directory where music is available (can, and should be read only for nd_user nd_music_dir: '{{ nd_root_dir }}/music' # Size of the cache for transcoding nd_transcoding_cache_size: 200M # Image cache nd_image_cache_size: 100M # Proxy authentication. Set nd_header_auth to the name of the header containing the user name # nd_header_auth: Auth-User nd_proxy_whitelist: "{{ nd_src_ip }}"