--- # You can deploy several instances of pgadmin4 on the same host # pga_id must be uniq for each instance pga_id: 1 # The port on which this instance will listen pga_port: 5050 # List of IP / CIDR for which the port will be opened pga_src_ip: [] # Root dir where the app will be installed pga_root_dir: /opt/pgadmin4_{{ pga_id }} # Version to deploy pga_version: '6.9' # When pg_auth is an empty list, pgAdmin will be in single user mode # You can set it to a list, eg # pga_auth: # - oauth2 # - webserver # - internal pga_auth: [] # OIDC Auth (oauth2) pga_oidc_client_id: pgadmin4 pga_oidc_display_name: SSO #pga_oidc_client_secret: XXXX pga_oidc_base_url: https://sso.{{ ansible_domain }}/oauth2 pga_oidc_token_url: "{{ pga_oidc_base_url }}/token" pga_oidc_auth_url: "{{ pga_oidc_base_url }}/authorize" pga_oidc_userinfo_url: "{{ pga_oidc_base_url }}/userinfo" pga_oidc_scope: openid email profile # Webserver auth # Can be set to the header which carry the authenticated user name # Eg HTTP_X_FOWARDED_USER, REMOTE_USER etc. pga_webserver_header: HTTP_AUTH_USER