--- # Veresion of diagrams to deploy diagrams_version: 20.1.1 # URL of the WAR file to deploy diagrams_war_url: https://github.com/jgraph/drawio/releases/download/v{{ diagrams_version }}/draw.war # Expected sha256 of the WAR file diagrams_war_sha256: 3085c12bed0621654b624a2c0d5a32c217352000db3be40fcf560fee7fbd6e01 # root directory of the installation diagrams_root_dir: /opt/diagrams # Should ansible manage upgrades, or just initial install ? diagrams_manage_upgrade: True # Port on which the tomcat instance will listen. # Note that it'll also use this port +1 for shutdown requests, but only on diagrams_port: 8182 # List of IP addresses (or CIDR) allowed to access tomcat port diagrams_src_ip: []