--- # Version to deploy pim_version: 5.0.43 # User under which the PIM will run pim_user: php-pim_{{ pim_id }} # If you install several pim instance on the same host, you should change the ID for each of them pim_id: 1 # Root directory of the installation pim_root_dir: /opt/pim_{{ pim_id }} # Should anisble handle upgrades or just initial install pim_manage_upgrade: True # PHP version to use pim_php_version: 74 # Database settings pim_db_server: "{{ mysql_server | default('localhost') }}" pim_db_port: 3306 pim_db_name: akeneopim_{{ pim_id }} pim_db_user: akeneopim_{{ pim_id }} # A random pass will be generated and stored in {{ pim_root_dir }}/meta/ansible_dbpass if not defined # pim_db_pass: S3cr3t. # A secret used to sign cookies. A random one will be generated and stored in {{ pim_root_dir }}/meta/ansible_secret if not defined # pim_secret: ChangeMe # Elasticsearch host pim_es_server: localhost:9200 # Public URL used to reach AKeneo. Note that you'll have to define a vhost for Akeneo PIM to be reachable pim_public_url: http://pim.{{ inventory_hostname }}/ # Define the initial admin password. If not defined, a random one will be generated ans stored under {{ pim_root_dir }}/meta/ansible_admin_pass # Note that this is only used on initial install, and will be ignored for upgrades # pim_admin_pass: p@ssw0rd