--- # Detect installed version (if any) - block: - import_tasks: ../includes/webapps_set_install_mode.yml vars: - root_dir: "{{ appsmith_root_dir }}" - version: "{{ appsmith_version }}" - set_fact: appsmith_install_mode={{ (install_mode == 'upgrade' and not appsmith_manage_upgrade) | ternary('none',install_mode) }} - set_fact: appsmith_current_version={{ current_version | default('') }} tags: appsmith # Create a random encryption password - block: - import_tasks: ../includes/get_rand_pass.yml vars: - pass_file: "{{ appsmith_root_dir }}/meta/ansible_encryption_pass" - set_fact: appsmith_encryption_pass={{ rand_pass }} when: appsmith_encryption_pass is not defined tags: appsmith # Create a random encryption salt - block: - import_tasks: ../includes/get_rand_pass.yml vars: - pass_file: "{{ appsmith_root_dir }}/meta/ansible_encryption_salt" - complex: False - pass_size: 10 - set_fact: appsmith_encryption_salt={{ rand_pass }} when: appsmith_encryption_salt is not defined tags: appsmith - set_fact: appsmith_mongo_pass={{ appsmith_mongo_url | urlsplit('password') | urldecode }} when: - appsmith_mongo_pass is not defined - appsmith_mongo_url | urlsplit('password') is string tags: mongo # Create a random password for mongo - block: - import_tasks: ../includes/get_rand_pass.yml vars: - pass_file: "{{ appsmith_root_dir }}/meta/ansible_mongo_pass" - set_fact: appsmith_mongo_pass={{ rand_pass }} when: appsmith_mongo_pass is not defined tags: appsmith # Try to read mongo admin pass - name: Check if mongo pass file exists stat: path=/root/.mongo.pw register: appsmith_mongo_pw tags: appsmith - when: appsmith_mongo_pw.stat.exists and mongo_admin_pass is not defined block: - slurp: src=/root/.mongo.pw register: appsmith_mongo_admin_pass - set_fact: mongo_admin_pass={{ appsmith_mongo_admin_pass.content | b64decode | trim }} tags: appsmith - fail: msg='mongo_admin_pass must be provided' when: not appsmith_mongo_pw.stat.exists and mongo_admin_pass is not defined tags: appsmith