--- - name: Install system dependencies yum: name={{ synapse_packages }} tags: matrix - name: Check if pg_config is available stat: path=/bin/pg_config register: synapse_pg_config tags: matrix - name: Setup pg_config alternatives: name: psql-pg_config link: /bin/pg_config path: /usr/pgsql-14/bin/pg_config when: not synapse_pg_config.stat.exists tags: matrix - name: Wipe pip cache file: path=/root/.cache/pip state=absent when: synapse_old_venv.stat.exists tags: matrix - name: Wipe the venv during upgrades file: path={{ synapse_root_dir }}/venv state=absent when: synapse_install_mode == 'upgrade' tags: matrix - name: Install dependencies in the virtual env pip: virtualenv: "{{ synapse_root_dir }}/venv" virtualenv_command: "{{ synapse_python }} -m venv" name: - bleach - matrix-synapse-ldap3 - psycopg2 - txacme - Jinja2 - lxml - pysaml2 - mock - six - authlib - twisted notify: restart synapse tags: matrix - name: Install synapse in the virtualenv pip: virtualenv: "{{ synapse_root_dir }}/venv" virtualenv_command: "{{ synapse_python }} -m venv" name: - matrix-synapse version: "{{ synapse_version }}" notify: restart synapse tags: matrix - name: Install the service unit file template: src=matrix-synapse.service.j2 dest=/etc/systemd/system/matrix-synapse.service register: synapse_service_unit notify: restart synapse tags: matrix - name: Reload systemd systemd: daemon_reload=True when: synapse_service_unit.changed tags: matrix - name: Install REST auth module get_url: url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ma1uta/matrix-synapse-rest-password-provider/master/rest_auth_provider.py dest: "{{ synapse_venv_lib_dir }}" tags: matrix - name: Create the PostgreSQL role postgresql_user: db: postgres name: "{{ synapse_pg_db_user }}" password: "{{ synapse_pg_db_pass }}" login_host: "{{ synapse_pg_db_server }}" login_user: sqladmin login_password: "{{ pg_admin_pass }}" tags: matrix - name: Create the PostgreSQL database postgresql_db: name: "{{ synapse_pg_db_name }}" encoding: UTF-8 lc_collate: C lc_ctype: C template: template0 owner: "{{ synapse_pg_db_user }}" login_host: "{{ synapse_pg_db_server }}" login_user: sqladmin login_password: "{{ pg_admin_pass }}" tags: matrix - name: Deploy backup scripts template: src={{ item }}-backup.sh.j2 dest=/etc/backup/{{ item }}.d/matrix_synapse.sh mode=750 loop: - pre - post tags: matrix - name: Reset SELinux contexts command: restorecon -R {{ synapse_root_dir }} changed_when: False when: ansible_selinux.status == 'enabled' tags: matrix