--- # You can install several kimai instances on the same host # just make sure to set a different instance id for each # You can set it to a number or a simple string (no special chars) kimai_id: 1 # Kimai version to deploy kimai_version: '1.21.0' # URL of the archive kimai_archive_url: https://github.com/kevinpapst/kimai2/archive/refs/tags/{{ kimai_version }}.tar.gz # Expected sha256 of the archive kimai_archive_sha256: d65402baf3efef18780d8a4a4d54e1a23b30f3137724828f116bcc57f04686f1 # Directory where kimai will be installed kimai_root_dir: /opt/kimai_{{ kimai_id }} # Should ansible handle upgrades or only initial install kimai_manage_upgrade: True # User under which PHP will run # Will be created kimai_php_user: php-kimai_{{ kimai_id }} # PHP version under which kimai will run kimai_php_version: 80 # Or you can specify here the name of a custom PHP FPM pool. See the httpd_php role # bookstack_php_fpm_pool: custom_kimai # If you want to configure the access to kimai on your main vhost # kimai_web_alias: /kimai # If not set, you'll need to create a dedicated vhost (see httpd_common role) kimai_web_alias: False kimai_public_url: http://{{ inventory_hostname }} # If you set kimai_src_ip, it'll be considered a list of trusted proxies kimai_src_ip: [] # An app specific secret. If not defined, a random one will be created and stored under {{ kimai_root_dir }}/meta/ansible_secret_key # kimai_secret_key: S3cr3t. # Database settings kimai_db_server: "{{ mysql_server | default('localhost') }}" kimai_db_port: 3306 kimai_db_name: kimai_{{ kimai_id }} kimai_db_user: kimai_{{ kimai_id }} # If the pass is not set, a random one will be created and store in {{ kimai_root_dir }}/meta/ansible_dbpass # kimai_db_pass: S3cr3t. # A default admin user will be created during installation # If its password isn't set, a random one will be configured and stored in {{ kimai_root_dir }}/meta/ansible_admin_pass # Note that this user is only created on first installed, and will not be checked or created again on next runs kimai_admin_user: admin@{{ ansible_domain }} # kimai_admin_pass÷ S3cr3t. # Custom configuration. Will be loaded in {{ kimai_root_dir }}/app/config/packages/local.yaml kimai_base_settings: kimai: # Better to override kimai_extra_settings so future defaults will be merged with your custom settings. # For example, to set SAML auth (example working with Lemonldap::NG as SAML idp # kimai_extra_settings: # kimai: # saml: # activate: true # title: 'SSO' # mapping: # - { saml: $mail, kimai: email } # - { saml: $principal, kimai: username } # - { saml: $cn, kimai: alias } # roles: # attribute: groups # mapping: # - { saml: Role_Infra_Admin, kimai: ROLE_ADMIN } # - { saml: Projet, kimai: ROLE_TEAMLEAD } # connection: # idp: # entityId: 'https://sso.example.org/saml/metadata' # singleSignOnService: # url: 'https://sso.example.org/saml/singleSignOn' # x509cert: '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' # sp: # entityId: 'https://temps.example.org/auth/saml/metadata' # assertionConsumerService: # url: 'https://temps.example.org/auth/saml/acs' # baseurl: https://temps.example.org/auth/saml # strict: true # debug: true kimai_extra_settings: {} kimai_settings: "{{ kimai_base_settings | combine(kimai_extra_settings, recursive=True) }}"