--- targets: el7: - x86_64 el8: - x86_64 el9: - x86_64 paths: repo: {{ rpm_root_dir }}/repo repo_cache: {{ rpm_root_dir }}/cache/repo builds: {{ rpm_root_dir }}/builds uploads: {{ rpm_root_dir }}/uploads notify: from: buildsys@{{ ansible_domain }} {% if rpm_mirrors is defined and rpm_mirrors | length > 0 %} mirror: push: {% for mirror in rpm_mirrors %} - dest: {{ mirror.dest }} {% if mirror.rsync_opts is defined %} rsync_opts: {% for opt in mirror.rsync_opts %} - '{{ opt }}' {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} rsync_opts: {% for opt in rpm_mirror_rsync_opts %} - '{{ opt }}' {% endfor %} {% endif %} ldap: {% if rpm_ldap_servers is defined and rpm_ldap_servers | length > 0 %} servers: {% for server in rpm_ldap_servers %} - {{ server }} {% endfor %} {% else %} servers: [] {% endif %} start_tls: {{ rpm_ldap_start_tls | ternary('True', 'False') }} bind_dn: {{ rpm_ldap_bind_dn }} bind_pass: {{ rpm_ldap_bind_pass | quote }} search_base: {{ rpm_ldap_search_base }} search_filter: {{ rpm_ldap_search_filter }} email_attr: {{ rpm_ldap_email_attr }}