--- - name: Install needed tools package: name: - tar - zstd - unzip tags: nomad - name: Install task driver packages package: name={{ nomad_task_driver_packages[item] }} loop: "{{ nomad_enabled_task_drivers }}" when: nomad_task_driver_packages[item] is defined and nomad_conf.client.enabled notify: restart nomad tags: nomad - when: nomad_install_mode == 'upgrade' name: Clear plugin dir on upgrades file: path={{ nomad_root_dir }}/plugins state={{ item }} owner={{ nomad_user }} group={{ nomad_user }} loop: - absent - directory tags: nomad - when: nomad_install_mode != 'none' block: - name: Download nomad get_url: url: "{{ nomad_archive_url }}" dest: "{{ nomad_root_dir }}/tmp" checksum: sha256:{{ nomad_archive_sha256 }} - name: Extract the archive unarchive: src: "{{ nomad_root_dir }}/tmp/nomad_{{ nomad_version }}_linux_amd64.zip" dest: "{{ nomad_root_dir }}/tmp" remote_src: True - name: Install nomad binary copy: src: "{{ nomad_root_dir }}/tmp/nomad" dest: "{{ nomad_root_dir }}/bin/nomad" remote_src: True mode: 755 notify: restart nomad - name: Link in /usr/local/bin file: src={{ nomad_root_dir }}/bin/nomad dest=/usr/local/bin/nomad state=link force=True - name: Download plugins get_url: url: "{{ nomad_plugins[item].archive_url }}" dest: "{{ nomad_root_dir }}/tmp" checksum: sha256:{{ nomad_plugins[item].sha256 }} register: nomad_plugin_dl loop: "{{ nomad_plugins.keys() | list }}" - name: Extract nomad plugins unarchive: src: "{{ item.dest }}" dest: "{{ nomad_root_dir }}/plugins/" remote_src: True loop: "{{ nomad_plugin_dl.results }}" when: item.dest | basename | splitext | last in ['.zip','.tgz', '.txz', '.tar.gz', '.tar.xz'] notify: restart nomad - name: Copy nomad plugins copy: src: "{{ item.dest }}" dest: "{{ nomad_root_dir }}/plugins/" remote_src: True loop: "{{ nomad_plugin_dl.results }}" when: item.dest | basename | splitext | last not in ['.zip','.tgz', '.txz', '.tar.gz', '.tar.xz'] notify: restart nomad - name: List installed plugins command: ls {{ nomad_root_dir }}/plugins/ register: nomad_installed_plugins changed_when: False - name: Set permissions on plugins file: path={{ nomad_root_dir }}/plugins/{{ item }} owner=root group=root mode=755 loop: "{{ nomad_installed_plugins.stdout_lines }}" tags: nomad # Nomad looks for the qemu-system-x86_64 bin in $PATH # so it needs to be available for Nomad to detect it - name: Link qemu-kvm to qemu-system-x86_64 file: src: /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm dest: /usr/local/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 state: link when: nomad_conf.client.enabled and 'qemu' in nomad_enabled_task_drivers tags: nomad - name: Install bash completion support copy: content: | complete -C {{ nomad_root_dir }}/bin/nomad nomad dest: /etc/bash_completion.d/nomad mode: 755 tags: nomad - name: Deploy systemd service unit template: src=nomad.service.j2 dest=/etc/systemd/system/nomad.service register: nomad_unit notify: restart nomad tags: nomad - name: Reload systemd systemd: daemon_reload=True when: nomad_unit.changed tags: nomad - name: Install backup hooks template: src={{ item }}-backup.j2 dest=/etc/backup/{{ item }}.d/nomad mode=755 loop: - pre - post tags: nomad