--- # Version of pgweb to install pgweb_version: 0.11.10 # URL of the archive pgweb_archive_url: https://github.com/sosedoff/pgweb/releases/download/v{{ pgweb_version }}/pgweb_linux_amd64.zip # Expected sha256 of the archive pgweb_archive_sha256: 9aa0ae44a2512fc8960fccb96003bec169abce5dc92aaf285bf73b48e3022558 # Where will pgweb be installed pgweb_root_dir: /opt/pgweb # SHould ansible handle upgrades or just initial install pgweb_manage_upgrade: True # User under which pgweb will run (will be created) pgweb_user: pgweb # Port on which pgweb will listen pgweb_port: 8086 # List of IP adddresses/CIDR for which the port will be opened (if iptables_manage == True) pgweb_src_ip: [] # pgweb_bookmarks: # - name: my_db # url: postgres://user:url_encoded_pass@server.example.org:5432/db_name?sslmode=disabled # - name: other_db # host: postgres.example.org # mandatory (if url isn't given) # database: db_name # mandatory (if url isn't given) # port: 5433 # user: sqladmin # pass: S3cr3t. pgweb_bookmarks: [] # Set it to another location if you want to manage bookmarks independently pg_web_bookmark_dir: "{{ pgweb_root_dir }}/bookmarks" # If connections with SSH tunnels is allowed pgweb_ssh_tunnels: False