{% if letsencrypt_ca is defined %} CA={{ letsencrypt_ca }} {% endif %} IP_VERSION=4 BASEDIR=/var/lib/dehydrated/certificates DOMAINS_TXT=/etc/dehydrated/domains.txt DOMAINS_D=/etc/dehydrated/certificates WELLKNOWN=/var/lib/dehydrated/challenges KEYSIZE="{{ letsencrypt_key_size | default('4096') }}" HOOK=/usr/{{ (ansible_os_family == 'Debian') | ternary('local/','') }}bin/dehydrated_hooks RENEW_DAYS="{{ letsencrypt_renew_days | default('30') }}" PRIVATE_KEY_RENEW="yes" {% if letsencrypt_preferred_chain is defined and letsencrypt_preferred_chain != 'default' %} PREFERRED_CHAIN={{ letsencrypt_preferred_chain | quote }} {% endif %} {% if letsencrypt_key_algo | default('rsa') in ['rsa', 'prime256v1', 'secp384r1' ] %} KEY_ALGO={{ letsencrypt_key_algo | default('rsa') }} {% endif %} {% if system_admin_email is defined %} CONTACT_EMAIL={{ system_admin_email }} {% endif %} {% if letsencrypt_challenge == 'dns' and letsencrypt_dns_provider is defined and letsencrypt_dns_auth_token is defined %} CHALLENGETYPE=dns-01 export DNS_PROVIDER="{{ letsencrypt_dns_provider }}" export LEXICON_{{ letsencrypt_dns_provider | upper }}_TOKEN="{{ letsencrypt_dns_auth_token }}" {% endif %} {% if system_proxy is defined and system_proxy != '' %} {% for proto in ['http','https','HTTP','HTTPS'] %} export {{ proto }}_proxy={{ system_proxy }} {% endfor %} {% endif %}