APP_NAME = Gitea: Git with a cup of tea RUN_USER = gitea RUN_MODE = prod [security] INTERNAL_TOKEN = {{ gitea_tokens.results | selectattr('item','equalto','INTERNAL_TOKEN') | map(attribute='stdout') | first | string }} INSTALL_LOCK = true SECRET_KEY = {{ gitea_tokens.results | selectattr('item','equalto','SECRET_KEY') | map(attribute='stdout') | first | string }} {% if gitea_username_header is defined %} REVERSE_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_USER = {{ gitea_username_header }} {% endif %} {% if gitea_web_src_ip is defined and gitea_web_src_ip | length > 0 %} REVERSE_PROXY_LIMIT = 1 REVERSE_PROXY_TRUSTED_PROXIES = {{ gitea_web_src_ip | select('search','\\.\\d+$') | list | join(',') }} REVERSE_PROXY_TRUSTED_NETWORKS = {{ gitea_web_src_ip | select('search','/\\d+$') | list | join(',') }} {% endif %} [server] LOCAL_ROOT_URL = http://localhost:{{ gitea_web_port }}/ SSH_DOMAIN = {{ gitea_ssh_domain }} DOMAIN = {{ gitea_domain }} HTTP_PORT = {{ gitea_web_port }} ROOT_URL = {{ gitea_public_url }} DISABLE_SSH = false SSH_PORT = {{ gitea_ssh_port }} LFS_START_SERVER = true LFS_CONTENT_PATH = {{ gitea_root_dir }}/data/lfs LFS_JWT_SECRET = {{ gitea_tokens.results | selectattr('item','equalto','LFS_JWT_SECRET') | map(attribute='stdout') | first | string }} OFFLINE_MODE = true STATIC_ROOT_PATH = {{ gitea_root_dir }} LANDING_PAGE = explore [oauth2] JWT_SECRET = {{ gitea_tokens.results | selectattr('item','equalto','JWT_SECRET') | map(attribute='stdout') | first | string }} [ssh.minimum_key_sizes] DSA = -1 [ui] ISSUE_PAGING_NUM = 20 [repository.upload] TEMP_PATH = tmp/uploads [database] DB_TYPE = mysql HOST = {{ gitea_db_server }} NAME = {{ gitea_db_name }} USER = {{ gitea_db_user }} PASSWD = `{{ gitea_db_pass }}` LOG_SQL = false [repository] ROOT = {{ gitea_root_dir }}/data/repositories DEFAULT_BRANCH = {{ gitea_default_branch }} [mailer] ENABLED = true HOST = localhost:25 FROM = gitea-no-reply@{{ ansible_domain }} USER = PASSWD = [service] REGISTER_EMAIL_CONFIRM = true ENABLE_NOTIFY_MAIL = true DISABLE_REGISTRATION = {{ gitea_registration | ternary('false','true') }} ALLOW_ONLY_EXTERNAL_REGISTRATION = false ENABLE_CAPTCHA = false REQUIRE_SIGNIN_VIEW = false DEFAULT_KEEP_EMAIL_PRIVATE = true DEFAULT_ALLOW_CREATE_ORGANIZATION = true DEFAULT_ENABLE_TIMETRACKING = true NO_REPLY_ADDRESS = noreply.{{ ansible_domain }} {% if gitea_username_header is defined %} ENABLE_REVERSE_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION = true ENABLE_REVERSE_PROXY_AUTO_REGISTRATION = true {% endif %} [picture] DISABLE_GRAVATAR = false ENABLE_FEDERATED_AVATAR = true [openid] ENABLE_OPENID_SIGNIN = false ENABLE_OPENID_SIGNUP = false [session] PROVIDER = file [log] MODE = console LEVEL = Trace ROOT_PATH = {{ gitea_root_dir }}/log [log.console] LEVEL = Trace [indexer] REPO_INDEXER_ENABLED = true STARTUP_TIMEOUT = 300s [other] SHOW_FOOTER_VERSION = false [migrations] ALLOW_LOCALNETWORKS = true [webhook] {% if gitea_allowed_hosts | length > 0 %} ALLOWED_HOST_LIST = {{ gitea_allowed_hosts | join(',') }} {% endif %}