--- - name: Install packages package: name={{ ldap2pg_packages }} tags: pg - when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat' and ansible_distribution_major_version is version('8', '<') block: - name: Check if ldap2Pg is built with python 2 or 3 stat: path=/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ldap2pg/ldap.py register: ldap2pg_py - name: Set ldap.py path set_fact: ldap_py_ver={{ ldap2pg_py.stat.exists | ternary('3.6', '2.7') }} - name: Patch ldap2pg to specify global cacert patch: src=ldap2pg_cacert.diff dest=/usr/lib/python{{ ldap_py_ver }}/site-packages/ldap2pg/ldap.py tags: pg - name: Install systemd unit template: src=ldap2pg.{{ item }}.j2 dest=/etc/systemd/system/ldap2pg.{{ item }} loop: - service - timer notify: - restart ldap2pg.service - restart ldap2pg.timer register: ldap2pg_units tags: pg - name: Reload systemd systemd: daemon_reload=True when: ldap2pg_units.results | selectattr('changed','equalto',True) | list | length > 0 tags: pg