--- seafile_packages: - python3 - python3-setuptools - python3-pip - python3-virtualenv - python3-devel - gcc - gcc-c++ - MySQL-python - ffmpeg - ffmpeg-devel - libmemcached-devel - mysql-devel - zlib-devel - gcc - tar - mariadb - fuse - java-1.8.0-openjdk # For seafile-pro - poppler-utils # For seafile-pro - unoconv # For seafile-pro - python-setuptools # needed for ansible to create the venv seafile_python_libs: - Pillow - pylibmc - captcha - jinja2 - sqlalchemy - psd-tools - django-pylibmc - django-simple-captcha - python3-ldap - requests_oauthlib - future - mysqlclient==2.0.1 - pycryptodome seafile_rm_libs: - libnssutil3.so