--- # Version to deploy pma_version: '5.2.0' # ID of the instance. Several instances can be installed on the same server # they must have different ID pma_id: "1" # URL from where the archive will be downloaded pma_archive_url: https://files.phpmyadmin.net/phpMyAdmin/{{ pma_version }}/phpMyAdmin-{{ pma_version }}-all-languages.zip # Expected sha256 of the archive, to verify the download pma_archive_sha256: e1d373e720ed402087ed5691b7a1935eea39af30eac66a58e6a791e648167b06 # Should ansible handle upgrades. If False, then only the initial install will be done pma_manage_upgrade: True # Where phpMyAdmin will be installed pma_root_dir: /opt/phpmyadmin_{{ pma_id }} # phpMyAdmn uses a DB to store queries. Here are the param for this DB # MySQL DB user pma_db_user: pma_{{ pma_id }} # MySQL DB name pma_db_name: pma_{{ pma_id }} # MySQL DB server pma_db_server: "{{ mysql_server | default('localhost') }}" # MySQL db password # If Not defined, a random one will be created and stored under {{ pma_root_dir }}/meta/ansible_dbpass # pma_db_pass: # If defined, will use this specific FPM pool, which must exist. # Else, a PHP pool will be configured # pma_php_fpm_pool: pma # PHP version to use for the PHP pool pma_php_version: 80 # Unix account under which the PHP pool will run. The user will be created pma_php_user: php-pma_{{ pma_id }} # Env vars which contain the login of the current user # This can be used for example with Lemonldap::NG protecting phpMyAdmin pma_sso_user_fields: - REMOTE_USER - REDIRECT_REMOTE_USER # Same for the groups the user is member of pma_sso_groups_fields: [] # pma_sso_groups_fields # - HTTP_USER_GROUPS # Optional list of IP/CIDR having access to phpMyAdmin # pma_src_ip: # - # If defined, an alias (eg /phpmyadmin) will be created # If not defined, you'll have to create a vhost pointing at {{ pma_root_dir }}/web # for phpMyAdmin to be reachable # pma_alias: phpmyadmin # List of database servers pma_servers: [] # pma_servers: # - host: localhost # port: 3306 # socket: /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock # auth_type: signon # Dict of phpMyAdmin users and their corresponding MySQL credentials pma_sso_users: [] # pma_sso_users: # - user: dani # sql_login: admin # sql_password: p@ssw0rd # Same for groups pma_sso_groups: [] # pma_sso_groups: # - group: DB_Admins # sql_login: admin # sql_password: s3cr3t. # Instead of storing SQL credentials in clear text in sso.php, you can define an encryption key here # This encryption key should be passed to phpMyAdmin in the X-Encryption-Token HTTP header so phpMyAdmin can decrypt the passwords # pma_sso_encryption_token: myrandompassword