--- - name: Set correct SELinux context on the ntp_signd socket dir sefcontext: target: "/var/lib/samba/ntp_signd(/.*)?" setype: ntpd_var_run_t state: present when: samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc' register: samba_ntp_selinux tags: samba - name: Restore SELinux context command: restorecon -R /var/lib/samba/ when: samba_ntp_selinux is defined and samba_ntp_selinux.changed tags: samba - name: Set SEbool seboolean: name={{ item }} state=True persistent=True when: samba_role == 'dc' or samba_role == 'rodc' with_items: - samba_domain_controller tags: samba - name: Copy custom policy copy: src=samba-dc.te dest=/etc/selinux/targeted/local/ register: samba_dc_selinux tags: samba - name: Compile and load SELinux policy shell: | cd /etc/selinux/targeted/local/ checkmodule -M -m -o samba-dc.mod samba-dc.te semodule_package -o samba-dc.pp -m samba-dc.mod semodule -i /etc/selinux/targeted/local/samba-dc.pp when: samba_dc_selinux is defined and samba_dc_selinux.changed tags: samba