--- # List of port sshd will listen on sshd_ports: - 22 # Will restrict ssh access to the following IP/CIDR (only if iptables_manage == True) sshd_src_ip: - # sshd_src_ip: # - # - # Allow the root user to login sshd_permit_root_login: False # Allow password authentication sshd_password_auth: True # Control the AllowUsers, DenyUsers, AllowGroups and DenyGroups # sshd_allow_users: # - xavier # - dani@EXAMPLE.ORG # sshd_deny_users: # - dimitri # - flo # sshd_allow_groups: # - tech # - support@EXAMPLE.ORG # sshd_deny_groups: # - sales # - interim@EXAMPLE.ORG # # # User configuration ssh_users: [] #ssh_users: # - name: dani # create_user: False # ssh_keys: # - 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2...' # - 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2...' # keys_exclusive: True # keys_file: %h/.ssh/authorized_keys # key_options: # - from="" # - no-pty # sftp_only: True # chroot: /var/www/html # allow_forwarding: False # sudo_defaults: # - '!env_reset' # - '!requiretty' # sudo: # - cmd: # - /usr/local/bin/ # run_as: root # nopasswd: False # #ssh_extra_users (can be used as ssh_users, both will be merged) # # # Max number of conn / minute. 0 to disable rate limit sshd_max_conn_per_minute: 0 # Authorized Keys custom command # sshd_authorized_keys_command: /usr/local/bin/ssh-getkeys # sshd_authorized_keys_command_user: ldapsshkey # Use DNS. If disabled, kerb auth won't be used (as it uses DNS) # You might need to disable it when you need no SSH login delay even if DNS is unavailable sshd_use_dns: True