--- - include_vars: "{{ item }}" with_first_found: - vars/{{ ansible_distribution }}-{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}.yml - vars/{{ ansible_os_family }}-{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}.yml - vars/{{ ansible_distribution }}.yml - vars/{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml tags: cs - name: Check if API key is available stat: path=/etc/crowdsec/meta/bouncer_fw_api_key register: cs_fw_lapi_key_file tags: cs - when: cs_fw_lapi_key is not defined and (not cs_fw_lapi_key_file.stat.exists or cs_fw_lapi_key_file.stat.size == 0) block: - name: Register the bouncer shell: | cscli bouncers list -o raw | grep -q -P '^{{ inventory_hostname }}-firewall' && cscli bouncers delete {{ inventory_hostname }}-firewall cscli bouncers add {{ inventory_hostname }}-firewall -o raw register: cs_bouncer_add failed_when: cs_bouncer_add.rc not in [0,1] changed_when: cs_bouncer_add.rc == 0 delegate_to: "{{ cs_lapi_server | default(inventory_hostname) }}" - name: Record the API key for later use copy: content={{ cs_bouncer_add.stdout }} dest=/etc/crowdsec/meta/bouncer_fw_api_key mode=600 tags: cs - when: cs_fw_lapi_key is not defined block: - name: Read the API key slurp: src=/etc/crowdsec/meta/bouncer_fw_api_key register: cs_fw_lapi_generated_key - set_fact: cs_fw_lapi_key={{ cs_fw_lapi_generated_key.content | b64decode | trim }} tags: cs - name: Set initial facts block: - set_fact: cs_fw_current_version='' - set_fact: cs_fw_install_mode='none' tags: cs - name: Check if the bouncer is installed stat: path=/usr/local/bin/cs-firewall-bouncer register: cs_fw_bin tags: cs - when: cs_fw_bin.stat.exists block: - name: Detect installed version shell: | cs-firewall-bouncer -c /dev/null 2>&1 | perl -ne 'm/cs-firewall-bouncer v(\d+(\.\d+)*)/ && print $1' register: cs_fw_current_version changed_when: False - set_fact: cs_fw_current_version={{ cs_fw_current_version.stdout }} tags: cs - name: Set install mode set_fact: cs_fw_install_mode='install' when: not cs_fw_bin.stat.exists tags: cs - name: Set upgrade mode set_fact: cs_fw_install_mode='upgrade' when: - cs_fw_bin.stat.exists - cs_fw_current_version != cs_fw_version tags: cs