[General] USER_NAME = {{ seafile_user }} ID = {{ seafile_ccnet_id }} NAME = seafile {% if seafile_version is version('9.0.0', '<') %} SERVICE_URL = {{ seafile_public_url }} {% endif %} [Database] ENGINE = mysql HOST = {{ seafile_db_server }} PORT = {{ seafile_db_port }} USER = {{ seafile_db_user }} PASSWD = {{ seafile_db_pass }} DB = {{ seafile_db_ccnet }} CONNECTION_CHARSET = utf8 {% if seafile_ldap_auth is defined and seafile_ldap_auth %} [LDAP] HOST = {{ seafile_ldap_uri }} BASE = {{ seafile_ldap_base }} {% if seafile_ldap_bind_dn is defined and seafile_ldap_bind_pass is defined %} USER_DN = {{ seafile_ldap_bind_dn }} PASSWORD = {{ seafile_ldap_bind_pass }} {% endif %} LOGIN_ATTR = {{ seafile_ldap_login_attr }} FILTER = {{ seafile_ldap_filter }} {% if seafile_license is defined %} [LDAP_SYNC] ENABLE_USER_SYNC = true ENABLE_GROUP_SYNC = true {% if seafile_ldap_group_filter is defined %} GROUP_FILTER = {{ seafile_ldap_group_filter }} {% endif %} DEACTIVE_USER_IF_NOTFOUND = true SYNC_INTERVAL = 60 USER_OBJECT_CLASS = person ENABLE_EXTRA_USER_INFO_SYNC = true FIRST_NAME_ATTR = givenName LAST_NAME_ATTR = sn DEPT_ATTR = department UID_ATTR = sAMAccountName CONTACT_EMAIL_ATTR = mail ACTIVATE_USER_WHEN_IMPORT = false ACTIVATE_AFTER_FIRST_LOGIN = True {% endif %} {% endif %}