--- - name: Create archive dir file: path={{ etherpad_root_dir }}/archives/{{ etherpad_current_version }} state=directory mode=700 tags: etherpad - name: Archive previous version synchronize: src: "{{ etherpad_root_dir }}/{{ etherpad_web_dir.stat.exists | ternary('web','app') }}" # previous versions were installed in the web subdir, now in app) dest: "{{ etherpad_root_dir }}/archives/{{ etherpad_current_version }}/" compress: False delete: True delegate_to: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" tags: etherpad - name: Dump the database mysql_db: state: dump name: "{{ etherpad_db_name }}" target: "{{ etherpad_root_dir }}/archives/{{ etherpad_current_version }}/{{ etherpad_db_name }}.sql.xz" login_host: "{{ etherpad_db_server | default(mysql_server) }}" login_user: "{{ etherpad_db_user }}" login_password: "{{ etherpad_db_pass }}" quick: True single_transaction: True environment: XZ_OPT: -T0 tags: etherpad