--- - name: Generate self-signed certificate import_tasks: ../includes/create_selfsigned_cert.yml vars: cert_path: "{{ nomad_conf.tls.cert_file }}" cert_key_path: "{{ nomad_conf.tls.key_file }}" cert_key_group: "{{ nomad_user }}" cert_key_mode: 640 tags: nomad - name: Check if CA exists stat: path={{ nomad_conf.tls.ca_file }} register: nomad_ca_file tags: nomad - name: Copy cert as CA copy: src={{ nomad_conf.tls.cert_file }} dest={{ nomad_conf.tls.ca_file }} remote_src=True when: not nomad_ca_file.stat.exists tags: nomad - when: nomad_conf.consul.ca_file is defined block: - name: Generate self-signed certificate import_tasks: ../includes/create_selfsigned_cert.yml vars: cert_path: "{{ nomad_conf.consul.cert_file }}" cert_key_path: "{{ nomad_conf.consul.key_file }}" cert_key_group: "{{ nomad_user }}" cert_key_mode: 640 tags: nomad - name: Check if CA exists stat: path={{ nomad_conf.tls.ca_file }} register: nomad_consul_ca_file tags: nomad - name: Copy consul cert as consul CA copy: src={{ nomad_conf.consul.cert_file }} dest={{ nomad_conf.consul.ca_file }} remote_src=True when: nomad_conf.consul.ca_file is defined and not nomad_consul_ca_file.stat.exists tags: nomad - name: Deploy nomad configuration block: - name: Deploy nomad configuration template: src: nomad.hcl.j2 dest: "{{ nomad_root_dir }}/etc/nomad.hcl" owner: root group: "{{ nomad_user }}" mode: 0640 backup: True register: nomad_main_conf notify: restart nomad - name: Deploy nomad reloadable configuration template: src: reload.hcl.j2 dest: "{{ nomad_root_dir }}/etc/reload.hcl" owner: root group: "{{ nomad_user }}" mode: 0640 backup: True register: nomad_reload_conf notify: reload nomad - name: Validate configuration command: nomad config validate {{ nomad_root_dir }}/etc/nomad.hcl {{ nomad_root_dir }}/etc/reload.hcl changed_when: False become_user: "{{ nomad_user }}" register: nomad_conf_validation rescue: - block: - name: Restore main configuration copy: src: "{{ nomad_main_conf.backup_file }}" dest: "{{ nomad_root_dir }}/etc/nomad.hcl" remote_src: True owner: root group: "{{ nomad_user }}" mode: 0640 when: nomad_main_conf.backup_file is defined - name: Restore reloadable configuration copy: src: "{{ nomad_reload_conf.backup_file }}" dest: "{{ nomad_root_dir }}/etc/reload.hcl" remote_src: True owner: root group: "{{ nomad_user }}" mode: 0640 when: nomad_reload_conf.backup_file is defined tags: nomad - name: Fail if configuration validation failed fail: msg: "Failed to validate configuration: {{ nomad_conf_validation.stdout }}" when: nomad_conf_validation.rc != 0 tags: nomad # Now we remove the backup config to prevent nomad warning about invalid config files - name: List backup conf shell: ls -1 {{ nomad_root_dir }}/etc/*.hcl.* failed_when: False changed_when: False register: nomad_backup_configs tags: nomad - name: Remove backup configs file: path={{ item }} state=absent loop: "{{ nomad_backup_configs.stdout_lines }}" tags: nomad - name: Deploy consul-template config template: src=consul-template.hcl.j2 dest={{ nomad_root_dir }}/consul-template/consul-template.hcl mode=600 owner=root group=root notify: restart consul-template-nomad when: nomad_vault_secrets.pki.enabled or nomad_vault_secrets.tokens.enabled tags: nomad - name: Deploy consul-template agent bundle template template: src=agent_bundle.pem.tpl.j2 dest={{ nomad_root_dir }}/consul-template/agent_bundle.pem.tpl owner=root group=root notify: restart consul-template-nomad when: nomad_vault_secrets.pki.enabled tags: nomad - name: Deploy consul-template cli bundle template template: src=cli_bundle.pem.tpl.j2 dest={{ nomad_root_dir }}/consul-template/cli_bundle.pem.tpl owner=root group=root notify: restart consul-template-nomad when: nomad_vault_secrets.pki.enabled and nomad_conf.server.enabled tags: nomad - name: Set ACL on the TLS dir shell: | setfacl -R -k -b {{ nomad_root_dir }}/tls {% if nomad_admin_groups | length > 0 %} setfacl -m {% for group in nomad_admin_groups %}g:{{ group }}:rx{{ ',' if not loop.last }}{% endfor %} {{ nomad_root_dir }}/tls setfacl -m {% for group in nomad_admin_groups %}d:g:{{ group }}:r{{ ',' if not loop.last }}{% endfor %} {{ nomad_root_dir }}/tls setfacl -m {% for group in nomad_admin_groups %}g:{{ group }}:r{{ ',' if not loop.last }}{% endfor %} {{ nomad_root_dir }}/tls/* {% endif %} changed_when: False failed_when: False # Do not fail if eg, the FS doesn't support ACL tags: nomad - name: Deploy profile script template: src=profile.sh.j2 dest=/etc/profile.d/nomad.sh tags: nomad - name: Deploy consul-template consul cert templates template: src=consul_bundle.pem.tpl.j2 dest={{ nomad_root_dir }}/consul-template/consul_bundle.pem.tpl owner=root group=root notify: restart consul-template-nomad when: nomad_vault_secrets.consul_pki.enabled and nomad_conf.consul.ssl tags: nomad - name: Ensure the bridge module is loaded modprobe: name=bridge state=present when: nomad_conf.client.enabled and 'docker' in nomad_enabled_task_drivers tags: nomad - name: Set sysctl sysctl: name: "{{ item.key }}" value: "{{ item.val }}" sysctl_file: /etc/sysctl.d/nomad.conf state: "{{ (nomad_conf.client.enabled and 'docker' in nomad_enabled_task_drivers) | ternary('present', 'absent') }}" loop: - key: net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-arptables val: 1 - key: net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables val: 1 - key: net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables val: 1 tags: nomad - name: Deploy Docker auth config template: src=docker_auth.json.j2 dest={{ nomad_root_dir }}/docker/auth.json owner={{ nomad_user }} group={{ nomad_user }} mode=600 tags: nomad