--- # Version to deploy appsmith_version: 1.6.20 # URL of the source archive appsmith_archive_url: https://github.com/appsmithorg/appsmith/archive/v{{ appsmith_version }}.tar.gz # sha256sum of the archive appsmith_archive_sha256: 077ec0c0353263b4636de5bee6a446cab041989c8a0dc08d88f832324d4516f6 # Root directory where appsmith will be installed appsmith_root_dir: /opt/appsmith # Should ansible handle upgrades (True) or only initial install (False) appsmith_manage_upgrade: True # User account under which appsmith will run appsmith_user: appsmith # appsmith needs a redis server and a mongodb one appsmith_redis_url: redis://localhost:6379 # A random one will be created and stored in the meta directory if not defined here appsmith_mongo_user: appsmith # appsmith_mongo_pass: S3cr3t. # Note: if appsmith_mongo_pass is defined, it'll be used with appsmith_mongo_user to connect, even if not indicated in appsmith_mongo_url # Else, anonymous connection is made. By default, if you do not set appsmith_mongo_pass, a random one will be created # If you insist on using anonymous connections, you should set appsmith_mongo_pass to False appsmith_mongo_url: mongodb://localhost/appsmith?retryWrites=true # appsmith server component appsmith_server_port: 8088 # List of IP/CIDR having access to appsmith_server_port appsmith_server_src_ip: [] # Email settings appsmith_email_from: noreply@{{ ansible_domain }} appsmith_email_server: localhost appsmith_email_port: 25 appsmith_email_tls: "{{ (appsmith_email_port == 587) | ternary(True,False) }}" # appsmith_email_user: account # appsmith_email_pass: S3Cr3T4m@1l # Encryption settings. If not defined, random values will be created and used # appsmith_encryption_pass: p@ssw0rd # appsmith_encryption_salt: Salt # Public URL used to access appsmith appsmith_public_url: http://{{ inventory_hostname }} # User signup can be disabled appsmith_user_signup: True # If signup is enabled, you can restrict which domains are allowed to signup (an empty list means no restriction) appsmith_signup_whitelist: [] # If signup is disabled, you can set a list of whitelisted email which will be allowed appsmith_admin_emails: []