--- - name: Set initial facts block: - set_fact: cs_install_mode='none' - set_fact: cs_current_version='' tags: cs - name: Check if crowdsec is installed stat: path=/usr/local/bin/crowdsec register: cs_bin tags: cs - name: Check installed version shell: | crowdsec -version 2>&1 | perl -ne 'm/version: v(\d+(\.\d+)*)/ && print $1' register: cs_current_version changed_when: False when: cs_bin.stat.exists tags: cs - name: Set install mode set_fact: cs_install_mode='install' when: not cs_bin.stat.exists tags: cs - name: Set upgrade mode set_fact: cs_install_mode='upgrade' when: - cs_bin.stat.exists - cs_current_version.stdout != cs_version tags: cs # Create a random db password if needed - block: - import_tasks: ../includes/get_rand_pass.yml vars: - pass_file: "/etc/crowdsec/meta/ansible_db_pass" - complex: False - set_fact: cs_db_pass={{ rand_pass }} when: - cs_db_pass is not defined - cs_lapi_enabled tags: cs # Check if local API credentials are available in the meta dir - name: Check local API credential files stat: path=/etc/crowdsec/meta/lapi_pass register: cs_lapi_pass_file tags: cs - name: Read the local API pass block: - slurp: src=/etc/crowdsec/meta/lapi_pass register: cs_lapi_pass_meta - set_fact: cs_lapi_pass={{ cs_lapi_pass_meta.content | b64decode | trim }} when: cs_lapi_pass is not defined and cs_lapi_pass_file.stat.exists tags: cs # Check if central API credentials are available in the meta dir - name: Check central API credential files block: - stat: path=/etc/crowdsec/meta/capi_user register: cs_capi_user_file - stat: path=/etc/crowdsec/meta/capi_pass register: cs_capi_pass_file tags: cs - name: Read the central API user block: - slurp: src=/etc/crowdsec/meta/capi_user register: cs_capi_user_meta - set_fact: cs_capi_user={{ cs_capi_user_meta.content | b64decode | trim }} when: cs_capi_user is not defined and cs_capi_user_file.stat.exists tags: cs - name: Read the central API pass block: - slurp: src=/etc/crowdsec/meta/capi_pass register: cs_capi_pass_meta - set_fact: cs_capi_pass={{ cs_capi_pass_meta.content | b64decode | trim }} when: cs_capi_pass is not defined and cs_capi_pass_file.stat.exists tags: cs