--- # Version of papermerge to deploy papermerge_version: 2.0.1 # URL of the tarball papermerge_archive_url: https://github.com/ciur/papermerge/archive/v{{ papermerge_version }}.tar.gz # Expected sha1 of the archive, to check the download was OK papermerge_archive_sha1: 1dc4e144c299fa133ca135420b851a4730fc82d6 # Papermerge uses 2 ports. for gunicorn and will only listen on the loopback # The other for nginx and is the one which will be accessible over the network # The port defined here is for nginx. Gunicorn will use this port +1 papermerge_port: 8010 # List of IP (or CIDR networks) for which access to the nginx port will be allowed papermerge_src_ip: [] # Should ansible manage papermerge upgrades or just initial install papermerge_manage_upgrade: True # Parameter for the postgres database papermerge_db_server: "{{ pg_server | default('localhost') }}" papermerge_db_port: 5432 papermerge_db_user: papermerge papermerge_db_name: papermerge # If papermerge_db_pass is not defined, a random one will be created #papermerge_db_pass: S3cr3t. # Unix user under which papermerge will run papermerge_user: papermerge # Top dir where papermerge will be installed papermerge_root_dir: /opt/papermerge # Default lang for the OCR papermerge_ocr_default_lang: fra # Django secret key. A random one will be created if not set # papermerge_secret_key: abc123 # Import dir is where papermerge will look for files and consume them papermerge_import_dir: "{{ papermerge_root_dir }}/input" # IMAP settings for fetching document by email # papermerge_imap_host: mail.example.org # papermerge_imap_user: # papermerge_imap_pass: