PENPOT_HTTP_SERVER_PORT={{ penpot_ports['backend'] }} PENPOT_SREPL_PORT={{ penpot_ports['srepl'] }} # Should be set to the public domain where penpot is going to be served. PENPOT_PUBLIC_URI={{ penpot_public_url }} # Standard database connection parameters (only postgresql is supported): PENPOT_DATABASE_URI=postgresql://{{ penpot_db_server }}:{{ penpot_db_port }}/{{ penpot_db_name }} PENPOT_DATABASE_USERNAME={{ penpot_db_user }} PENPOT_DATABASE_PASSWORD={{ penpot_db_pass }} # Redis is used for the websockets notifications. PENPOT_REDIS_URI={{ penpot_redis_url }} # By default, files uploaded by users are stored in local filesystem. But it # can be configured to store in AWS S3 or completely in de the database. # Storing in the database makes the backups more easy but will make access to # media less performant. ASSETS_STORAGE_BACKEND=assets-fs PENPOT_STORAGE_ASSETS_FS_DIRECTORY={{ penpot_root_dir }}/data/assets # Telemetry. When enabled, a periodical process will send anonymous data about # this instance. Telemetry data will enable us to learn on how the application # is used, based on real scenarios. If you want to help us, please leave it # enabled. PENPOT_TELEMETRY_ENABLED=false # Email sending configuration. By default, emails are printed in the console, # but for production usage is recommended to setup a real SMTP provider. Emails # are used to confirm user registrations. PENPOT_SMTP_ENABLED=true PENPOT_SMTP_DEFAULT_FROM={{ penpot_email_from }} PENPOT_SMTP_DEFAULT_REPLY_TO={{ penpot_email_from }} PENPOT_SMTP_HOST={{ penpot_smtp_server }} PENPOT_SMTP_PORT={{ penpot_smtp_port }} {% if penpot_smtp_user is defined and penpot_smtp_pass is defined %} PENPOT_SMTP_USERNAME={{ penpot_smtp_user }} PENPOT_SMTP_PASSWORD={{ penpot_smtp_pass }} {% endif %} PENPOT_SMTP_TLS={{ penpot_smtp_tls | ternary('true','false') }} PENPOT_SMTP_SSL={{ penpot_smtp_ssl | ternary('true','false') }} # Feature flags (registration, auth methods etc.) PENPOT_FLAGS="{{ penpot_flags | join(' ') }}" # Comma separated list of allowed domains to register. Empty to allow all. PENPOT_REGISTRATION_DOMAIN_WHITELIST="{{ penpot_user_registration_allowed_domains | join(',') }}" ## Authentication providers {% if penpot_oidc_auth %} PENPOT_OIDC_BASE_URI={{ penpot_oidc_base_url }} PENPOT_OIDC_USER_URI={{ penpot_oidc_user_url }} PENPOT_OIDC_AUTH_URI={{ penpot_oidc_auth_url }} PENPOT_OIDC_TOKEN_URI={{ penpot_oidc_token_url }} PENPOT_OIDC_SCOPES="{{ penpot_oidc_scopes }}" PENPOT_OIDC_CLIENT_ID={{ penpot_oidc_client_id }} PENPOT_OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET={{ penpot_oidc_client_secret }} {% endif %} {% if penpot_ldap_auth %} # LDAP PENPOT_LDAP_HOST={{ penpot_ldap_server }} PENPOT_LDAP_PORT={{ penpot_ldap_port }} PENPOT_LDAP_SSL={{ penpot_ldap_ssl | ternary('true', 'false') }} PENPOT_LDAP_STARTTLS={{ penpot_ldap_tls | ternary('true', 'false') }} PENPOT_LDAP_BASE_DN={{ penpot_ldap_base_dn }} {% if penpot_ldap_bind_dn is defined and penpot_ldap_bind_pass is defined %} PENPOT_LDAP_BIND_DN={{ penpot_ldap_bind_dn }} PENPOT_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD={{ penpot_ldap_bind_pass }} {% endif %} PENPOT_LDAP_ATTRS_USERNAME={{ penpot_ldap_attr_username }} PENPOT_LDAP_ATTRS_EMAIL={{ penpot_ldap_attr_email }} PENPOT_LDAP_ATTRS_FULLNAME={{ penpot_ldap_attr_fullname }} {% endif %}