
12 lines
1.2 KiB

[[ with pkiCert "{{ nomad_vault_secrets.pki.path }}/issue/{{ nomad_vault_secrets.pki.role }}" "common_name={{ (nomad_conf.server.enabled) | ternary('server', 'client') }}-{{ ansible_fqdn | regex_replace('\\.', '-') }}.{{ nomad_conf.region | default('global') }}.nomad" "alt_names=localhost,{{ (nomad_conf.server.enabled) | ternary('server', 'client') }}.{{ nomad_conf.region | default('global') }}.nomad{% if nomad_conf.server.enabled and nomad_conf.client.enabled %},client.{{ nomad_conf.region | default('global') }}.nomad{% endif %}{% if consul_conf is defined %},nomad{{ nomad_conf.server.enabled | ternary('', '-client') }}.service.{{ consul_conf.domain | default('consul') }}{% endif %}"{% if nomad_vault_secrets.pki.ttl is defined %} "ttl={{ nomad_vault_secrets.pki.ttl }}"{% endif %} ]]
[[ .CA ]]
[[ .Cert ]]
[[ .Key ]]
[[ .CA | writeToFile "{{ nomad_conf.tls.ca_file }}" "root" "root" "0644" ]]
[[ .Cert | writeToFile "{{ nomad_conf.tls.cert_file }}" "root" "root" "0644" ]]
[[ .Key | writeToFile "{{ nomad_conf.tls.key_file }}" "root" "{{ nomad_user }}" "0640" ]]
[[ end ]]
[[ with secret "{{ nomad_vault_secrets.pki.path }}/cert/ca" ]]
[[ .Data.certificate | writeToFile "{{ nomad_conf.tls.cert_file }}" "" "" "0644" "append,newline" ]]
[[ end ]]