2021-12-01 19:13:34 +01:00

133 lines
3.7 KiB

- name: set service name
set_fact: mysql_service_name={{ (mysql_engine == 'mysql') | ternary('mysqld','mariadb') }}
tags: mysql
- name: Remove mariadb repo
file: path=/etc/yum.repos.d/mariadb.repo state=absent
when: mysql_engine == 'mysql'
tags: mysql
- include_vars: "{{ item }}"
- vars/{{ ansible_distribution }}-{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}.yml
- vars/{{ ansible_os_family }}-{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}.yml
- vars/{{ ansible_distribution }}.yml
- vars/{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml
tags: mysql
- name: Install server and client packages
package: name={{ mysql_server_packages }}
tags: mysql
- name: Deploy backup scripts
template: src={{ item }}-backup.j2 dest=/etc/backup/{{ item }}.d/mysql mode=755
- pre
- post
tags: mysql
- name: Remove old backup hooks
file: path=/etc/backup/{{ item }} state=absent
- pre.d/
- post.d/
- pre.d/mariadb
- post.d/mariadb
tags: mysql
- name: Create system override directory
file: path=/etc/systemd/system/{{ mysql_service_name }}.service.d/ state=directory
tags: mysql
- name: Modify the service unit
template: src=systemd_limits.conf.j2 dest=/etc/systemd/system/{{ mysql_service_name }}.service.d/limits.conf
register: mysql_unit
notify: restart mysql
tags: mysql
- name: Reload systemd
systemd: daemon_reload=True
when: mysql_unit.changed
tags: mysql
- name: Deploy my.cnf
template: src=my.cnf.j2 dest=/etc/my.cnf
notify: restart mysql
tags: mysql
- name: Start and enable the server
service: name={{ mysql_service_name }} state=started enabled=True
tags: mysql
- name: Check if we need to create a password for the root user
stat: path=/root/.my.cnf
register: my_no_cnf
tags: mysql
- name: Generate a random password for user root
command: openssl rand -base64 45
register: my_root_pass
when: not my_no_cnf.stat.exists
tags: mysql
- name: Set root password
command: mysqladmin password "{{ my_root_pass.stdout }}"
- not my_no_cnf.stat.exists
- my_root_pass.stdout is defined
tags: mysql
- name: Deploy /root/.my.cnf
template: src=root_my.cnf.j2 dest=/root/.my.cnf
- not my_no_cnf.stat.exists
- my_root_pass.stdout is defined
tags: mysql
- name: Remove anonymous user
mysql_user: name='' host_all=yes state=absent
tags: mysql
- name: Remove the test database
mysql_db: name=test state=absent
tags: mysql
- name: Handle service port
name: mysql_port
state: "{{ (mysql_src_ip is defined and mysql_src_ip | length > 0) | ternary('present','absent') }}"
rules: "-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport {{ mysql_port | default('3306') }} -s {{ mysql_src_ip | join(',') }} -j ACCEPT"
when: iptables_manage | default(True)
tags: mysql,firewall
- name: Create database admin
mysql_user: name=sqladmin password={{ mysql_admin_pass }} host="%" priv="*.*:ALL,GRANT" state=present
tags: mysql
- name: Create databases
mysql_db: name={{ item }} state=present
with_items: "{{ mysql_databases | default([]) }}"
tags: mysql
- name: Create mysql users
mysql_user: name={{ }} password={{ item.password }} priv={{ item.privileges }} host={{ | default('localhost') }} state=present
with_items: "{{ mysql_users | default([]) }}"
- is defined
- item.password is defined
- item.privileges is defined
tags: mysql
- name: Remove databases
mysql_db: name={{ item }} state=absent
with_items: "{{ mysql_databases_to_remove }}"
tags: mysql
- name: Remove users
mysql_user: name={{ }} host={{ | default(omit) }} state=absent
with_items: "{{ mysql_users_to_remove }}"
tags: mysql