
99 lines
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# Should ansible handle upgrades ? If False, only the initial install will be done
taiga_manage_upgrade: True
# Where taiga will be installed
taiga_root_dir: /opt/taiga
# User under which taiga will run (will be created)
taiga_user: taiga
# Archives URL, versions and expected checksums
version: 6.5.1
sha256: aa3602693835f5891d8ff5b7750027a059c9bf2d49e38fcb92c18f6ddb5e9b72
version: 6.5.1
sha256: b8c0ea77b06f1c256b2f0b7b4b14af1173c6ba5bad67aad278e54ce897183613
dir: taiga-front-dist-6.5.1
version: 6.5.0
sha256: c6307e1246b97a2aa7f53755dbceb98b24256badf8282b37b8a24b51d08b583f
version: 6.5.0
sha256: 8465eaf078dee7b61f4fd5dbb216db94ea455b3c8d69c19c10ae33ff481e46f0
# Database settings
taiga_db_server: "{{ pg_server | default('localhost') }}"
taiga_db_port: 5432
taiga_db_name: taiga
taiga_db_user: taiga
# If the password is not defined, a random one will be generated and stored under {{ taiga_root_dir }}/meta/ansible_dbpass
# taiga_db_pass: S3cr3t.
# Secret key used by various components
# If not defined, a random one will be created and stored under {{ taiga_root_dir }}/meta/ansible_secret_key
# taiga_secret_key: S3cr3t.
# AMQP settings
taiga_amqp_server: localhost
taiga_amqp_port: 5672
taiga_amqp_user: taiga
taiga_amqp_vhost: taiga
# If the password is not defined, a random one will be create and stored under {{ taiga_root_dir }}/meta/ansible_amqp_pass
# But this is only useful when taiga_amqp_server is localhost. If you use a remote AMQP server, you'll have to define the pass
# taiga_amqp_pass: S3cr3t.
# Ports used by taiga components
# they will only be accessible to localhost and exposed by nginx
# If you want to restrict access at the firewall level (for example, to only allow a reverse proxy), you need to
# set nginx_src_ip to the list of IP (or CIDR network) which will have access to port 80/443
back: 8001
protected: 8003
events: 8888
# Public URL to reach taiga
taiga_public_url: https://{{ inventory_hostname }}/
# A default admin user is created during installation
# You can set its password, or a random one will be generated and stored under {{ taiga_root_dir }}/meta/ansible_admin_pass
# taiga_admin_pass: S3cr3t.
# Registration enabled ?
taiga_user_registration: False
# If registration is enabled (or if oidc auth is enabled), you can restrict email domains accepted by taiga
taiga_user_registration_allowed_domains: [ "{{ ansible_domain }}" ]
# Max upload file size (in MB)
taiga_max_upload_file_size: 20
# Email settings
taiga_email_from: taiga-no-reply@{{ ansible_domain }}
taiga_smtp_server: localhost
taiga_smtp_port: 25
taiga_smtp_tls: "{{ (taiga_smtp_port == 587) | ternary(True, False) }}"
taiga_smtp_ssl: "{{ (taiga_smtp_port == 465) | ternary(True, False) }}"
# If your SMTP server requires an authentication, set the following variables
#taiga_smtp_pass: p@ssw0rd
# OIDC authentication
taiga_oidc_auth: False
taiga_oidc_base_url: https://sso.{{ ansible_domain }}/oauth2
taiga_oidc_auth_url: "{{ taiga_oidc_base_url }}/authorize"
taiga_oidc_user_url: "{{ taiga_oidc_base_url }}/userinfo"
taiga_oidc_token_url: "{{ taiga_oidc_base_url }}/token"
taiga_oidc_scope: openid email profile
taiga_oidc_name: SSO ({{ ansible_domain }})
taiga_oidc_client_id: taiga
# taiga_oidc_client_secret must be provided
# taiga_oidc_client_secret: S3cr3t.
taiga_oidc_id_field: sub
taiga_oidc_user_field: sub
taiga_oidc_fullname_field: name
taiga_oidc_email_field: email