
79 lines
2.3 KiB

- name: Create nginx conf dir
file: path=/etc/nginx/{{ item }} state=directory
- ansible_location.d
- ansible_conf.d
- ansible_modules.d
tags: web
- name: Check if lua module is installed
stat: path=/usr/lib64/nginx/modules/
register: llng_mod_lua
tags: web
- name: Deploy module conf
copy: content={{ item.content }} dest=/etc/nginx/ansible_modules.d/{{ item.dest }}
- content: 'load_module "/usr/lib64/nginx/modules/";'
dest: 09-ndk.conf
- content: 'load_module "/usr/lib64/nginx/modules/";'
dest: 11-lua.conf
when: llng_mod_lua.stat.exists
notify: reload nginx
tags: web
- name: Remove module conf
file: path=/etc/nginx/ansible_modules.d/{{ item }} state=absent
- 09-ndk.conf
- 11-lua.conf
when: not llng_mod_lua.stat.exists
notify: reload nginx
tags: web
- name: Deploy handler's nginx configuration
template: src={{ item.src }} dest={{ item.dest }}
- src: nginx_handler.conf.j2
dest: /etc/nginx/ansible_location.d/10-llng_handler.conf
- src:
dest: /etc/nginx/ansible_conf.d/
when: llng_handler
notify: reload nginx
tags: web
- name: Remove handler's nginx configuration
file: path={{ item }} state=absent
- /etc/nginx/ansible_location.d/10-llng_handler.conf
- /etc/nginx/ansible_conf.d/
when: not llng_handler
notify: reload nginx
tags: web
- name: Deploy portal's nginx configuration
template: src=nginx_portal.conf.j2 dest=/etc/nginx/ansible_conf.d/22-llng_portal.conf
when: llng_portal
notify: reload nginx
tags: web
- name: Remove portal's nginx configuration
file: path=/etc/nginx/ansible_conf.d/22-llng_portal.conf state=absent
when: not llng_portal
notify: reload nginx
tags: web
- name: Deploy manager's nginx configuration
template: src=nginx_manager.conf.j2 dest=/etc/nginx/ansible_conf.d/23-llng_manager.conf
when: llng_manager and llng_server == 'nginx'
notify: reload nginx
tags: web
- name: Remove manager's nginx configuration
file: path=/etc/nginx/ansible_conf.d/23-llng_manager.conf state=absent
when: not llng_manager and llng_server == 'nginx'
notify: reload nginx
tags: web