
370 lines
11 KiB

use strict;
use warnings;
use Linux::Inotify2;
use YAML::Tiny;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::stat;
use File::Find;
use File::Basename;
use File::Path qw(make_path);
use File::Copy qw(move);
use AnyEvent;
use RPM2;
use Time::HiRes 'time';
use Email::MIME;
use Email::Sender::Simple qw(sendmail);
use Email::Sender::Transport::Sendmail;
use Net::LDAP;
# Init an empty conf
my $conf = {};
# Disable output buffering
$| = 1;
# Defaults for command line flags
my $opt = {
config => '../etc/config.yml',
verbose => 0,
quiet => 0
# Read some options from the command line
GetOptions (
'config=s' => \$opt->{config},
'quiet' => \$opt->{quiet},
'verbose' => \$opt->{verbose}
# Check if the config file exists, and if so, parse it
# and load it in $conf
if ( -e $opt->{config} ) {
log_verbose( "Reading config file " . $opt->{config} );
my $yaml = YAML::Tiny->read( $opt->{config} );
if ( not $yaml or not $yaml->[0] ) {
die "Config file " . $opt->{config} . " is invalid\n";
$conf = $yaml->[0];
} else {
# If the config file doesn't exist, just die
die "Config file " . $opt->{config} . " doesn't exist\n";
my $ldap_msg;
my $inotify = new Linux::Inotify2
or die "Unable to create new inotify object: $!";
log_verbose("Searching for folders in $conf->{paths}->{uploads}");
wanted => sub { -d and create_watcher($inotify, $File::Find::name); }
}, $conf->{paths}->{uploads});
my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
my $poller = AnyEvent->io(
fh => $inotify->fileno,
poll => 'r',
cb => sub { $inotify->poll }
# Receive event signals (inotify signals)
# Print messages only if the verbose flag was given
sub log_verbose {
my $msg = shift;
print $msg . "\n" if ( $opt->{verbose} );
# Print normal messages
sub log_info {
my $msg = shift;
print $msg . "\n" if ( not $opt->{quiet} );
# Print error messages
sub log_error {
my $msg = shift;
print $msg . "\n";
# Create a watcher for a specific directory
sub create_watcher {
my ($inotify, $dir) = @_;
log_verbose("Start watching folder $dir");
$inotify->watch ($dir, IN_CLOSE_WRITE | IN_MOVED_TO, sub {
my $event = shift;
my $candidate = $event->fullname;
# takes the path of an SRPM to rebuild,
# build it with mock, sign the result, update the repo
# and sync to remote mirrors if defined
sub handle_submit {
my $srpm = shift;
if (not -f $srpm){
log_verbose("$srpm isn't a file, ignoring");
if ($srpm !~ m/src\.rpm$/i){
log_verbose("New file $srpm isn't an src.rpm file, ignoring");
log_info("New file to process $srpm");
my $submiter = getpwuid(stat($srpm)->uid);
my $email;
log_info("File submited by $submiter");
my $ldap = ldap_connect();
if (defined $ldap){
$email = user2email($ldap, $submiter);
if (not defined $email){
log_verbose("LDAP returned no result");
if (defined $email){
log_verbose("Notifications will be sent to $email");
} else {
log_verbose("No email address for $submiter, no notification will be sent");
# Do not check the signature here
# We could try to submit a signed src.rpm for which we do not have the key system-wide
my $src_pkg = RPM2->open_package($srpm, RPM2->_rpmvsf_nosignatures);
if (not $src_pkg->is_source_package){
log_verbose("Couldn't parse $srpm as a valid srpm");
my $target = basename(dirname($srpm));
if (not defined $conf->{targets}->{$target}){
log_info("$srpm submited for target $target, but it's not defined in the configuration");
foreach my $arch (@{$conf->{targets}->{$target}}){
my $job_id = $src_pkg->as_nvre() . '-' . time();
my $result = $conf->{paths}->{builds} . '/' . $submiter . '/' . $target . '-' . $arch . '/' . $job_id;
log_info("Rebuilding $srpm for $target/$arch in $result (job ID $job_id)");
my $mock_msg;
foreach my $out (qx(mock -r $target-$arch --resultdir=$result $srpm 2>&1)){
$mock_msg .= $out;
chomp $out;
log_info("[$job_id] $out");
if ($? != 0) {
log_info("[$job_id] Build submited by $submiter failed");
handle_error($job_id, 'Mock build', $mock_msg, $email);
my $repo_dir = $conf->{paths}->{repo};
my $repo_cache_dir = $conf->{paths}->{repo_cache};
if ($src_pkg->release =~ m/\.(beta|git\.)/){
$repo_dir .= '/testing';
$repo_cache_dir .= '/testing';
$repo_dir .= '/' . $target;
$repo_cache_dir .= '/' . $target;
wanted => sub {
return if (not -f);
return if (not $_ =~ m/\.rpm$/);
my $built_pkg = $_;
log_info("[$job_id] Signing package $built_pkg");
# Note : the optional passphrase for the gpg key is in rpmmacros
qx(rpm --addsign $built_pkg);
if ($? != 0) {
log_info("[$job_id] Signing failed");
handle_error($job_id, 'Package signature error', "Command rpm --addsign $built_pkg failed", $email);
# Open the package without checking the signature, as the key might not be present in the
# rpm trusted store
my $pkg = RPM2->open_package($built_pkg, RPM2->_rpmvsf_nosignatures);
my $dest = $repo_dir;
if ($pkg->is_source_package){
$dest .= '/SRPMS';
} else {
# the resulting RPM can be noarch, so use this instead of $arch
$dest .= '/' . $pkg->arch;
log_info("[$job_id] Moving $built_pkg to the repo $dest");
move $built_pkg, $dest . '/' . basename($built_pkg);
}, $result);
log_info("[$job_id] Removing old packages");
qx(rm -f \$(repomanage --keep=2 --old $repo_dir));
log_info("[$job_id] Updating repo metadata for $target");
qx(createrepo --checksum sha -x "*debuginfo*" --update -c $repo_cache_dir $repo_dir);
if ($? != 0) {
log_info("[$job_id] Createrepo failed");
'Createrepo error',
"Command createrepo --checksum sha -x \"*debuginfo*\" --update -c $repo_cache_dir $repo_dir",
log_info("[$job_id] Building package finished");
# Now push to mirrors if defined
if (defined $conf->{mirror} and defined $conf->{mirror}->{push}){
foreach my $mirror (@{$conf->{mirror}->{push}}){
log_info("[$job_id] syncing repo to $mirror->{dest}");
my $rsync_cmd = 'rsync ';
if (defined $mirror->{rsync_opts}){
$rsync_cmd .= join(' ', @{$mirror->{rsync_opts}});
} else {
$rsync_cmd .= join(' ', @{$conf->{mirror}->{rsync_opts}});
$rsync_cmd .= ' ' . $conf->{paths}->{repo} . '/ ' . $mirror->{dest} . '/';
log_verbose("[$job_id] Running command $rsync_cmd");
foreach my $out (qx($rsync_cmd 2>&1)){
chomp $out;
log_verbose("[$job_id] $out");
if ($? != 0) {
log_info("[$job_id] Syncing to $mirror->{dest} failed");
handle_error($job_id, 'Mirror update error', "Command $rsync_cmd failed", $email);
if (defined $email){
my $body = "Resulting RPM are available in $conf->{paths}->{repo}/$target";
if (defined $conf->{mirror} and defined $conf->{mirror}->{push}){
$body .= "\nand have been synced to the following mirror:\n";
foreach my $mirror (@{$conf->{mirror}->{push}}){
$body .= "$mirror->{dest}\n";
"Rebuilding " . $src_pkg->as_nvre() . " for $target/$arch succeded",
if (defined $ldap){
# Handle errors. Log it, and notify the admin
sub handle_error {
my $job_id = shift;
my $step = shift;
my $err = shift;
my $dest = shift;
log_error( $err );
if ( defined $dest ) {
"Error while building $job_id",
"Building $job_id failed at step '$step'. The error was\n$err\n"
# Send an email message
sub send_notification {
my $to = shift;
my $subject = shift;
my $body = shift;
my $mail = Email::MIME->create(
header_str => [
From => $conf->{notify}->{from},
To => $to,
Subject => $subject
attributes => {
charset => 'utf-8',
encoding => 'base64'
body_str => $body
my $transport = Email::Sender::Transport::Sendmail->new();
sendmail( $mail, { transport => $transport } );
# Lookup in LDAP if we can get the email address of a user
sub user2email {
my $ldap = shift;
my $user = shift;
if (not defined $ldap or not defined $conf->{ldap}->{search_base} or not defined $conf->{ldap}->{search_filter}){
log_verbose("LDAP not connected or not configured, skiping lookup");
my $filter = $conf->{ldap}->{search_filter};
$filter =~ s/\{user\}/$user/g;
log_verbose("Searching in $conf->{ldap}->{search_base} with filter $filter");
my $results = $ldap->search(
base => $conf->{ldap}->{search_base},
filter => $filter,
attrs => [ $conf->{ldap}->{email_attr} ]
if ($results->code){
log_verbose("Error occured while searching in LDAP : " . $results->error);
if ($results->count != 1){
log_verbose("Searching returned " . $results->count . "result(s), while it should have returned 1");
return $results->entry(0)->get_value( $conf->{ldap}->{email_attr} );
# Connect to LDAP
# which will be used to lookup the email address of the submiter
sub ldap_connect {
my $ldaph;
if (defined $conf->{ldap} and defined $conf->{ldap}->{servers}){
log_verbose("Connecting to " . join(', ', @{$conf->{ldap}->{servers}}));
$ldaph = new Net::LDAP($conf->{ldap}->{servers},
timeout => 10,
if (not defined $ldaph){
log_info("Couldn't connect to any LDAP servers (" . join(',', @{$conf->{ldap}->{servers}}) . ")");
} else {
if (defined $conf->{ldap}->{start_tls} and $conf->{ldap}->{start_tls}){
log_verbose("Upgrade LDAP connection using StartTLS");
$ldap_msg = $ldaph->start_tls(
verify => 'require'
if ($ldap_msg->code){
log_verbose("StartTLS failed : " . $ldap_msg->error);
log_verbose("LDAP support will be disabled");
$ldaph = undef;
if (defined $conf->{ldap}->{bind_dn} and defined $conf->{ldap}->{bind_pass}){
log_verbose("Binding as $conf->{ldap}->{bind_dn}");
$ldap_msg = $ldaph->bind(
password => $conf->{ldap}->{bind_pass}
if ($ldap_msg->code){
log_verbose("LDAP bind failed : " . $ldap_msg->error);
log_verbose("LDAP support will be disabled");
$ldaph = undef;
} else {
log_verbose("Using anonymous bind");
$ldap_msg = $ldaph->bind;
} else {
log_verbose("No LDAP servers configured");
return $ldaph;