
82 lines
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# Version to deploy
bookstack_version: '22.11.1'
# URL of the arhive
bookstack_archive_url:{{ bookstack_version }}.tar.gz
# Expected sha256 of the archive
bookstack_archive_sha256: b5110588684e8a0fdcca5bb08d7ae0558a73a2a3bf8abbbad2b947e6d2f3bc4c
# Should ansible handle bookstack upgrades or just the inintial install
bookstack_manage_upgrade: True
# We can deploy several bookstack instance on a single host
# each one can have a different ID which can be a simple number
# or a short string
bookstack_id: 1
# Where to install bookstack
bookstack_root_dir: /opt/bookstack_{{ bookstack_id }}
# User under which the app will be executed
bookstack_php_user: php-bookstack_{{ bookstack_id }}
# Version of PHP used
bookstack_php_version: 81
# Or you can specify here the name of a custom PHP FPM pool. See the httpd_php role
# bookstack_php_fpm_pool: custom_bookstack
# If defined, an alias will be added in httpd's config to access bookstack
# Else, you'll have to defined a vhost to make bookstack accessible. See httpd_common role
bookstack_web_alias: /bookstack_{{ bookstack_id }}
# You can restrict access to bookstack. If not defined or empty,
# no restriction will be made
bookstack_src_ip: "{{ httpd_ssl_src_ip | default(httpd_src_ip) | default([]) }}"
# List of trusted proxies from which we can trust the X-Forwarded-For header
# Useful to get real client IP when BookStack is running behind a reverse proxy
# bookstack_trusted_proxies:
# -
# The default value is to use the same as bookstack_src_ip if it's not empty and doesn't contain
bookstack_trusted_proxies: "{{ (bookstack_src_ip | length > 0 and '' not in bookstack_src_ip) | ternary(bookstack_src_ip, []) }}"
# MySQL Database
bookstack_db_server: "{{ mysql_server | default('locaclhost') }}"
bookstack_db_port: 3306
bookstack_db_user: bookstack_{{ bookstack_id }}
bookstack_db_name: bookstack_{{ bookstack_id }}
# If no pass is defined, a random one will be created and stored in meta/ansible_dbpass
# bookstack_db_pass: S3cr3t.
# Application key. If not defined, a random one will be generated and store in meta/ansible_app_key
# bookstack_app_key: base64:H/zDPBqtK2BjOkgCrMMGGH+sSjOBrBs/ibcD4ozQc90=
# Public URL of the app
bookstack_public_url: http://{{ inventory_hostname }}/bookstack_{{ bookstack_id }}
# Email settings. Default will use local postfix installation
bookstack_email_name: BookStack
bookstack_email_from: no-reply@{{ ansible_domain }}
bookstack_email_server: localhost
bookstack_email_port: 25
# You can set user and pass if needed
# bookstack_email_user:
# bookstack_email_pass: S3cR3t.
# Encryption can be tls, ssl or null
bookstack_email_encryption: 'null'
# Default lang
bookstack_default_lang: fr
# Session lifetime, in minutes
bookstack_session_lifetime: 480
# PDF Exporter. Can be either dompdf (the default) or wkhtmltopdf
bookstack_pdf_exporter: dompdf
# You can set custom directive with this:
# bookstack_settings:
# AUTH_METHOD: saml2
bookstack_settings: {}