# You can create custom configurations # * pre-login.conf will be loaded before login on vault, and can be used to set options required for vault login # * ctctl.local.conf will be loaded after login, and can contain all other options # CTCTL_DOCKER_BUILD_OPTS can be used to set custom options to docker build commands # # For example # export EHT_MAVEN_PWD=$(vault kv get -field=pwd kv/admin/maven) # export CTCTL_DOCKER_BUILD_OPTS="--secret id=EHT_MAVEN_PWD" # CTCTL_DOCKER_BUILD_REPO_REGEX defines a regex against which docker image will be compared # and if it matches, images will be built and pushed to it during prep/build/build-no-cache # VAULT_AUTH_CONFIG defines options for vault login, for example # VAULT_AUTH_CONFIG="-method=approle role_id=XXXXXX secret_id=YYYYY" # VAULT_PREFIX defines a prefix to prepend to all vault paths # VAULT_PREFIX="prd/" # If using Loki, you can configure access to it # LOKI_ADDR=https://loki.domain.tld # LOKI_USER=loki # LOKI_PASSWORD=S3cr3t. # Alternatively, you can use a command to fetch the password on demande # LOKI_PWD_CMD="vault read -field pwd kv/admin/loki" # Regex of tasks to ignore with ctctl loki # LOKI_IGNORE_TASKS="connect-proxy-.+|tls-proxy|metrics-proxy|pgbouncer"