auth --enableshadow --passalgo=sha512 url --url="" text skipx timezone Europe/Paris --isUtc keyboard --vckeymap=fr-oss --xlayouts='fr (oss)' lang fr_FR.UTF-8 services --enabled ntpd firewall --enabled --service ssh network --bootproto=dhcp --activate --noipv6 rootpw --iscrypted $6$6OYBD0R8xuGsqAUl$KVHVrjCM6VmLR13TW0exHAl4toKHxQTd9zwbuYzR/t79heCMrAcVmtBmw0wCcNu5zoz1y3LzwdIZjNedRlz7Y/ zerombr bootloader --location mbr --append 'ipv6.disable=1' # Enable fws and epel repo --name=fws --baseurl=$releasever repo --name=epel --mirrorlist=$releasever&arch=$basearch %include /tmp/ks.partitions reboot %packages --nobase --ignoremissing epel-release crontabs dhclient irqbalance ntp openssh-server passwd prelink rootfiles selinux-policy-targeted tmpwatch yum mailx net-tools openssh-clients rsync screen sudo sysstat vim strace pbzip2 xz pxz iftop wget tcpdump pciutils nc lsof -iprutil -kernel-tools -kexec-tools -man-db -microcode_ctl -parted -NetworkManager -NetworkManager-tui -*-firmware -b43-openfwwf %end # Disable kdump %addon com_redhat_kdump --disable --reserve-mb='auto' %end ################################################ # Detect hard drives before starting the install ################################################ %pre --log /tmp/pre.log # ensure file exists touch /tmp/ks.partitions # Select first drive main_drive=$(list-harddrives | awk '$2>=20480 {print $1; nextfile}') ignore=$(echo $(list-harddrives | awk '$1!="'$main_drive'" {print $1}') | sed -e 's| |,|g') [ ! -z "$ignore" ] && echo "ignoredisk --drives $ignore" >> /tmp/ks.partitions cat << _EOF >> /tmp/ks.partitions clearpart --all --initlabel --drives $main_drive part /boot --fstype xfs --size 1024 --ondrive $main_drive part pv.2 --size 17920 --grow --ondrive $main_drive volgroup main --pesize 4096 pv.2 logvol / --fstype xfs --name root --vgname main --size 5120 logvol /var/log --fstype xfs --name log --vgname main --size 5120 logvol /var --fstype xfs --name log --vgname main --size 5120 logvol /tmp --fstype xfs --name tmp --vgname main --size 1024 logvol swap --fstype swap --name swap --vgname main --size 512 _EOF %end ################################################ # Copy logs in the chroot ################################################ %post --nochroot cp /tmp/pre.log /mnt/sysimage/root/pre.log %end ################################################ # Post-install processes ################################################ %post --log /root/post.log # Initial SSH keys cat << __EOF__ >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys __EOF__ chmod 700 /root/.ssh chown -R root:root /root/.ssh %end