
106 lines
6.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

use strict;
use JSON;
require './lemonldap-ng-manager/lib/Lemonldap/NG/Manager/Build/Attributes.pm';
require './lemonldap-ng-common/lib/Lemonldap/NG/Common/Conf/ReConstants.pm';
my $rmg =
$rmg = qr/$rmg/;
my $complexNodes = qr/^(?:(?:(?:saml(?:ID|S)|oidc[OR])P|cas(?:App|Srv))MetaData|vhost)Options$/;
my $ignore = qr/^(?:virtualHosts)$/;
open F, 'lemonldap-ng-manager/site/htdocs/static/reverseTree.json';
my $managed = JSON::from_json( join '', <F> );
my $prm = Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build::Attributes::attributes();
my $ok = '✔';
print <<EOF;
Parameter list
.. tip::
Click on a column header to sort table. The attribute key
name can be used directly in ``lemonldap-ng.ini`` or in Perl scripts to
override configuration parameters (see
:doc:`configuration location<configlocation>`).
Main parameters
======================================================= ==================================================================================== ====== ======= ======= =============
Key name Documentation Portal Handler Manager ini file only
======================================================= ==================================================================================== ====== ======= ======= =============
#| Activate auto accept timer | activeTimer | ✔ | | |
foreach my $k ( sort keys %$prm ) {
next if $k =~ $ignore;
next if $k =~ $rmg;
my $p = $prm->{$k};
$p->{flags} ||= 'p';
my $line = "$k". " "x(56-length($k))
. "$p->{documentation}"." "x(85-length($p->{documentation}))
# Portal flag
. ( $p->{flags} =~ /p/ ? "$ok " : ' ')
# Handler flag
.( $p->{flags} =~ /h/ ? "$ok " : ' ')
# Manager flag
.( $p->{flags} =~ /m/ ? "$ok " : ' ')
# Ini-only flag
.( ( $managed->{$k} or $k =~ $rmg ) ? '' : ( $k =~ $complexNodes ? '[1]' : $ok ) );
$line =~ s/\s*$//;
print "$line\n";
print <<EOF;
======================================================= ==================================================================================== ====== ======= ======= =============
*[1]: complex nodes*
Configuration backend parameters
============================================================================= ==================== ===========================================================
Full name Key name Configuration backend
============================================================================= ==================== ===========================================================
Configuration load timeout confTimeout all backends (default: 10)
DBI connection string dbiChain :doc:`CDBI / RDBI<sqlconfbackend>`
DBI user dbiUser
DBI password dbiPassword
DBI table name dbiTable
Directory dirName :doc:`File<fileconfbackend>` / :doc:`YAML<yamlconfbackend>`
LDAP server ldapServer :doc:`LDAP<ldapconfbackend>`
LDAP port ldapPort
LDAP base ldapConfBase
LDAP bind dn ldapBindDN
LDAP bind password ldapBindPassword
LDAP ObjectClass ldapObjectClass
LDAP ID attribute ldapAttributeId
LDAP content attribute ldapAttributeContent
Certificate authorities file caFile
Certificate authorities directory caPath
MongoDB database dbName :doc:`MongoDB<mongodbconfbackend>`
MongoDB collection collectionName
Pretty print prettyPrint :doc:`File<fileconfbackend>`
REST base URL baseUrl :doc:`REST<restconfbackend>`
REST realm realm
REST user user
REST password password
SOAP server location (URL) proxy :doc:`SOAP<soapconfbackend>`
`LWP::UserAgent <http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?LWP::UserAgent>`__ parameters proxyOptions
SOAP user User
SOAP password Password
============================================================================= ==================== ===========================================================