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# Apache configuration for LemonLDAP::NG Handler
# Uncomment this if no previous NameVirtualHost declaration
#NameVirtualHost __VHOSTLISTEN__
# Load LemonLDAP::NG Handler
PerlOptions +GlobalRequest
PerlModule Lemonldap::NG::Handler
# Common error page and security parameters
ErrorDocument 403 http://auth.__DNSDOMAIN__/?lmError=403
ErrorDocument 500 http://auth.__DNSDOMAIN__/?lmError=500
ErrorDocument 503 http://auth.__DNSDOMAIN__/?lmError=503
<VirtualHost __VHOSTLISTEN__>
ServerName reload.__DNSDOMAIN__
# Configuration reload mechanism (only 1 per physical server is
# needed): choose your URL to avoid restarting Apache when
# configuration change
<Location /reload>
Require ip 127 ::1
PerlHeaderParserHandler Lemonldap::NG::Handler->reload
# Uncomment this to activate status module
#<Location /status>
# Require ip 127 ::1
# SetHandler perl-script
# PerlResponseHandler Lemonldap::NG::Handler->status
# # You may have to uncomment the next directive to skip
# # an upper PerlHeaderParserHandler directive
# #PerlHeaderParserHandler Apache2::Const::DECLINED