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#End 2 End Testing (Protractor)
To run the end-2-end tests against the application you use [Protractor](https://github.com/angular/protractor).
## Starting the Web Server
In either case you will need the application to be running via the web-server.
From the root folder of the repository run:
npm start
The application should now be available at `http://localhost:8000/`
## Testing with Protractor
As a one-time setup, download webdriver.
npm run update-webdriver
Start the Protractor test runner using the e2e configuration:
npm run protractor
## Devel tips
locator_: {
using: 'css selector',
value: '[ng-click="getLanguage(lang)"]'
parentElementFinder_: null,
opt_actionResult_: {
then: [Function: then],
cancel: [Function: cancel],
isPending: [Function: isPending]
opt_index_: 1,
click: [Function],
sendKeys: [Function],
getTagName: [Function],
getCssValue: [Function],
getAttribute: [Function],
getText: [Function],
getSize: [Function],
getLocation: [Function],
isEnabled: [Function],
isSelected: [Function],
submit: [Function],
clear: [Function],
isDisplayed: [Function],
getOuterHtml: [Function],
getInnerHtml: [Function],
toWireValue: [Function]