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2016-05-24 18:53:41 +02:00
package Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Auth::Facebook;
use strict;
use Mouse;
use URI::Escape;
use Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Constants qw(PE_OK PE_ERROR PE_BADCREDENTIALS);
our $VERSION = '2.0.0';
extends 'Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Auth::Base';
sub init {
my ($self) = @_;
eval { require Net::Facebook::Oauth2; };
if ($@) {
2016-05-24 22:50:22 +02:00
$self->error("Unable to load Net::Facebook::Oauth2: $@");
2016-05-24 18:53:41 +02:00
return 0;
my $ret = 1;
foreach my $arg (qw(facebookAppId facebookAppSecret)) {
unless ( $self->conf->{$arg} ) {
$ret = 0;
2016-05-24 22:50:22 +02:00
$self->error("Parameter $arg is required");
2016-05-24 18:53:41 +02:00
return $ret;
sub extractFormInfo {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
my $fb = $self->fb($req);
# 1. Check Facebook responses
# 1.1 Good responses
if ( my $code = $req->param('code') ) {
if ( my $access_token = $fb->get_access_token( code => $code ) ) {
$req->{sessionInfo}->{_facebookToken} = $access_token;
# Get mandatory fields (see https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer)
my @fields = ('id');
# Look at wanted fields
if ( $self->getModule( $req, 'user' ) =~ /^Facebook/ ) {
2016-05-24 18:53:41 +02:00
push @fields,
map { /^(\w+)$/ ? ($1) : () }
values %{ $self->conf->{facebookExportedVars} };
my $datas;
# When a field is not granted, Facebook returns only an error
# without real explanation. So here we try to reduce query until
# having a valid response
while (@fields) {
$datas = $fb->get(
{ fields => join( ',', @fields ) }
unless ( ref $datas ) {
$self->lmLog( "Unable to get any Facebook field", 'error' );
return PE_ERROR;
if ( $datas->{error} ) {
my $tmp = pop @fields;
"Unable to get some Facebook fields ($datas->{error}->{message}). Retrying without $tmp",
else {
unless (@fields) {
$self->lmLog( "Unable to get any Facebook field", 'error' );
return PE_ERROR;
# Use id fieldto trace user
unless ( $req->{user} = $datas->{id} ) {
$self->lmLog( 'Unable to get Facebook id', 'error' );
return PE_ERROR;
$req->datas->{_facebookDatas} = $datas;
# Force redirection to avoid displaying Oauth datas
return PE_OK;
# 1.2 Bad responses
if ( my $error_code = $req->param('error_code') ) {
my $error_message = $req->param('error_message');
$self->lmLog( "Facebook error code $error_code: $error_message",
'error' );
return PE_ERROR;
# 2. Else redirect user to Facebook login page:
# Build Facebook redirection
# TODO: use a param to use "publish_stream" or not
my $check_url = $fb->get_authorization_url(
scope => [ 'public_profile', 'email' ],
display => 'page',
$req->steps( [] );
sub authenticate {
sub authFinish {
sub authLogout {
sub authForce {
2016-05-24 22:50:22 +02:00
2016-05-24 18:53:41 +02:00
sub getDisplayType {
return "logo";
sub fb {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
my $conf = $self->{conf};
my $fb;
my $sep = '?';
my $ret = $conf->{portal};
foreach my $v ( [ $req->datas->{_url}, "url" ],
[ $req->param( $conf->{authChoiceParam} ), $conf->{authChoiceParam} ] )
if ( $v->[0] ) {
$ret .= "$sep$v->[1]=$v->[0]";
$sep = '&';
eval {
$fb = Net::Facebook::Oauth2->new(
application_id => $conf->{facebookAppId},
application_secret => $conf->{facebookAppSecret},
callback => $ret,
$self->lmLog( $@, 'error' ) if ($@);
return $fb;