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2007-04-02 10:30:39 +02:00
package Lemonldap::Handlers::LoginCASLDAPFake;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Lemonldap::Config::Parameters;
use Lemonldap::Portal::Standard;
use Apache2::Log();
use APR::Table;
use Apache2::RequestRec ();
use Apache2::ServerRec();
use Data::Dumper;
use Template;
use URI::Escape;
use CGI ':cgi-lib';
use Apache::Session::Memorycached;
use MIME::Base64;
use Encode qw(encode);
use Lemonldap::Portal::Session;
use Net::LDAP::Entry;
use IO::File;
our $VERSION = '3.1.0';
my $client_addr;
my $sessCacheRefreshPeriod;
my $log;
my $dump;
my $html;
my $Stack_User;
#my $UserAttributes;
my $Major;
my $MyApplicationXmlFile;
my $MyDomain;
my $LoginPage;
my $RedirectPage;
my $Parameters;
my $Conf_Domain;
my $Login_Url;
my $Cookie_Name;
#my $ipCheck;
#my $inactivityTimeout;
my $Ldap_Server;
my $Ldap_Branch_People;
my $Ldap_Dn_Manager;
my $Ldap_Pass_Manager;
my $Ldap_Port;
my @attrs;
my $Ldap_Search_Bases;
my @base;
my $MemcachedServer;
my $CookieName;
my $line_session;
my $_username;
#my $InactivityTimeout;
#my $Encryptionkey;
my $page_html;
my $Menu;
my $Messages = {
1 =>
'Votre connexion a expiré vous devez vous authentifier de nouveau',
2 =>
'Les champs "Identifiant" et "Mot de passe&quot doivent être remplis',
3 => 'Wrong directory manager account or password',
4 => 'n\'a pas été trouvé dans l\'annuaire',
5 => 'Mot de passe erroné',
6 =>
'Votre adresse IP a été modifié. Vous devez vous authentifier de nouveau',
7 => 'Serveral Entries found on ldap server for this user',
8 => 'Bad connection to ldap server',
sub my_none {
return 0;
sub my_entry {
my $self = shift;
my $entry = Net::LDAP::Entry->new();
my $user = $self->user;
$entry->add( uid => $user );
$entry->add( mail => "$user\@demo.net" );
$entry->add( roleprofil => 'APPLIX;my_role' );
$self->{entry} = $entry;
my $fh = IO::File->new_tmpfile;
my @a;
seek( $fh, 0, 0 );
for (<$fh>) {
push @a, $_;
my $a = join '<br>', @a;
$self->{dump} = $a;
undef $fh;
return 1;
sub my_credential {
my $self = shift;
# bad password
if ( $self->{user} ne $self->{password} ) {
$self->{'message'} = $self->{msg}{5};
$self->{'error'} = 5;
sub My_Session {
my $self = shift;
my $paramxml = $self->{line_session};
my %Session;
my $entry = $self->{entry};
my $obj = Lemonldap::Portal::Session->init( $paramxml, 'entry' => $entry );
$self->{infosession} = $obj;
sub handler {
my $r = shift;
my $Stack_User;
$log = $r->log;
### 1 tester le TGT cookie
my $entete2 = $r->headers_in();
#Recuperation du Cookie
my $idx_tmp = $entete2->{'Cookie'};
my $local_cookie = "CASTGC";
my @tab = split /;/, $idx_tmp;
my $cookie;
my $idrecup;
my @base;
foreach (@tab) {
if (/$local_cookie=([^; ]+)/) {
$cookie = $_;
if ($cookie) {
($idrecup) = $cookie =~ /TGT-(.+)/;
if ( $Stack_User->{'AlreadyCreated'} ) {
undef $Stack_User->{'error'};
else {
$log = $r->log;
$MyApplicationXmlFile = $r->dir_config('ConfigFile');
$MyDomain = lc( $r->dir_config('Domain') );
$LoginPage = $r->dir_config('LoginPage');
$Major = $r->dir_config('Organization');
if ( !defined($Major) ) {
$Major = "authz_headers";
$Parameters =
Lemonldap::Config::Parameters->new( file => $MyApplicationXmlFile, );
$Conf_Domain = $Parameters->getDomain($MyDomain);
$Login_Url = $Conf_Domain->{Portal};
$Cookie_Name = $Conf_Domain->{Cookie};
$page_html = $Conf_Domain->{LoginCASPage};
################ enlevver ca ################
if ( !$html ) {
my $file;
open( $file, "<$page_html" );
local $/;
$/ = '';
$html = <$file>;
close $file;
$Ldap_Server = $Conf_Domain->{ldap_server};
$Ldap_Branch_People = $Conf_Domain->{ldap_branch_people};
$Ldap_Dn_Manager = $Conf_Domain->{DnManager};
$Ldap_Pass_Manager = $Conf_Domain->{passwordManager};
$Ldap_Port = $Conf_Domain->{ldap_port};
$Ldap_Search_Bases = $Ldap_Branch_People;
if ( defined( $r->dir_config('LdapSearchBases') ) ) {
$Ldap_Search_Bases =
$r->dir_config('LdapSearchBases') . ":" . $Ldap_Search_Bases;
@base = split( /\s*:\s*/, $Ldap_Search_Bases );
$MemcachedServer =
$Parameters->findParagraph( 'session', 'memcached' )
->{SessionParams} );
$CookieName = $Conf_Domain->{Cookie};
my $_username;
$line_session = $Conf_Domain->{DefinitionSession};
$Stack_User = Lemonldap::Portal::Standard->new(
'msg' => $Messages,
'setSessionInfo' => \&My_Session,
$Stack_User->{'AlreadyCreated'} = "true";
$Stack_User->{line_session} = $line_session;
if ($idrecup) { ## test itupon memcached
my %_it;
tie %_it, 'Apache::Session::Memorycached', $idrecup, $MemcachedServer;
if ( $_it{username} ) { # il n existe pas :
$_username = $_it{username};
untie %_it;
my $UrlCode;
my $UrlDecode;
my $Erreur;
my %Params = Vars;
my $param_it;
my $buf;
my $l = Dumper( \%Params );
my $Retour;
my $service = $Params{service};
undef $_username if $Params{renew} eq 'true'; ## force re-sign
if ( defined $_username ) {
my $service = $Params{service};
$MemcachedServer->{timeout} = '30';
$l = Dumper($MemcachedServer);
########### ticket service ######################
my %ticket;
tie %ticket, 'Apache::Session::Memorycached', undef, $MemcachedServer;
$ticket{service} = $service;
$ticket{principal} = $idrecup;
$ticket{username} = $_username;
my $idt = $ticket{'_session_id'};
untie %ticket;
my $redirection = uri_unescape($service);
if ($redirection) {
$redirection .= "?ticket=ST-" . $idt;
print CGI::header( -Refresh => '0; URL=' . $redirection, );
return DONE;
if ( $Params{'gateway'} eq 'true' ) {
my $redirection = uri_unescape($service);
print CGI::header( -Refresh => '0; URL=' . $redirection, );
return DONE;
$Retour = $Stack_User->process(
'param' => \%Params,
'server' => $Ldap_Server,
'base' => \@base,
my $Message = '';
if ($Retour) {
$Message = $Retour->message;
$Erreur = $Retour->error;
if ( !$Erreur ) {
## on regarde si it existe
if ( $Retour->{it} ) {
### on le retrouve sur le serveur de session
my $it_l = $Retour->{it};
my %_it;
tie %_it, 'Apache::Session::Memorycached', $it_l, $MemcachedServer;
if ( !$_it{STATUS} ) { # il n existe pas :
$Message .= "<br>$it_l Probleme de login ticket CAS\n";
$Erreur = 21;
else {
if ( $_it{STATUS} ne 'RESERVED' ) { # il existe mais it pris :
$Message .=
"<br> Probleme de ticket login CAS deja utilise \n";
$Erreur = 22;
$_it{username} = 'USED';
untie %_it;
delete $Retour->{it};
if ($Erreur) {
if ( !$Retour->{it} ) {
#generer it token et le reserver
$MemcachedServer->{timeout} = '60';
my %_it;
tie %_it, 'Apache::Session::Memorycached', undef, $MemcachedServer;
$param_it = $_it{'_session_id'};
untie %_it;
else { $param_it = $Retour->{it}; }
if ( $Erreur == 3 ) {
# Wrong directory manager account or password
$log->error( "LemonLDAP: " . $Message );
return Apache2::Const::SERVER_ERROR;
if ( $Erreur == 4 || $Erreur == 5 ) {
# If bad login or password, refresh the login page with no information
$log->info( "LemonLDAP: " . $Message );
#$Message = 'Authentification echou&eacute;e';
# Login Page sending
my $Identifiant = $Retour->user;
my $secret = $Retour->secret;
( $UrlCode, $UrlDecode ) = $Stack_User->getAllRedirection;
if ( $Retour->{CAS} ) {
$UrlDecode = $Retour->{service};
my $html_ok = $html;
$html_ok =~ s/%user%/$Identifiant/g;
$html_ok =~ s/%secret%/$secret/g;
$html_ok =~ s/%message%/$Message/g;
$html_ok =~ s/%urldc%/$UrlDecode/g;
$html_ok =~ s/%urlc%/$UrlCode/g;
$html_ok =~ s/%it%/$param_it/g;
return DONE;
########## ici page en cas d erreur #############
else {
# Sending Redirect to Generic
my $MyHashSession = $Retour->infoSession;
my $l = Dumper($MyHashSession);
my $idTGT;
my $service = $Retour->{service};
############ TGT ticket ############################"
########### ticket service ######################
my %Session;
delete $MemcachedServer->{timeout};
tie %Session, 'Apache::Session::Memorycached', undef, $MemcachedServer;
$Session{init_service} = $service;
$Session{username} = $Retour->user;
$idTGT = $Session{'_session_id'};
foreach ( keys %{$MyHashSession} ) {
$Session{$_} = $MyHashSession->{$_} if $MyHashSession->{$_};
untie %Session;
########### ticket service ######################
my %ticket;
$MemcachedServer->{timeout} = '30';
$l = Dumper($MemcachedServer);
tie %ticket, 'Apache::Session::Memorycached', undef, $MemcachedServer;
$ticket{service} = $service;
$ticket{username} = $Retour->user;
my $idt = $ticket{'_session_id'};
$ticket{principal} = $idTGT;
untie %ticket;
my $pathlemon = "/";
my $pathCookie = "/cas";
my $dotdomain = "." . $MyDomain;
"Set-Cookie: -name => $CookieName -value => $idt -domain => "
. ".$dotdomain -path => $pathCookie" );
my $CASCookie = CGI::cookie(
-name => "CASTGC",
-value => "TGT-" . $idTGT,
-domain => $dotdomain,
-path => $pathCookie,
my $LemonCookie = CGI::cookie(
-name => $CookieName,
-value => $idTGT,
-domain => $dotdomain,
-path => $pathlemon,
my $redirection = $Retour->CASservice;
$redirection = uri_unescape($redirection);
if ($redirection) {
$redirection .= "?ticket=ST-" . $idt;
print CGI::header(
-Refresh => '0; URL=' . $redirection,
-cookie => [ $LemonCookie, $CASCookie ]
return DONE;
else {
$r->headers_out->add( 'Set-Cookie' => $LemonCookie );
$r->headers_out->add( 'Set-Cookie' => $CASCookie );
<title>lemonldap websso</title>
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<h1>Hello on lemonldap and CAS websso 'world</h1>
<center><label>Your are Authenticate on lemondap webSSO and CAS server</label>
return DONE;