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2020-05-13 12:08:09 +02:00
# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl Lemonldap-NG-Manager.t'
# change 'tests => 1' to 'tests => last_test_to_print';
use Test::More;
use Test::Output;
use File::Path;
use JSON;
# Insert your test code below, the Test::More module is used here so read
# its man page ( perldoc Test::More ) for help writing this test script.
use File::Temp;
my $dir = File::Temp::tempdir();
my $sessionsdir = "$dir/sessions";
my $psessionsdir = "$dir/psessions";
mkdir $sessionsdir;
mkdir $psessionsdir;
my $cli = Lemonldap::NG::Common::CliSessions->new(
conf => {
globalStorage => "Apache::Session::File",
globalStorageOptions => {
Directory => $sessionsdir,
LockDirectory => $sessionsdir,
persistentStorage => "Apache::Session::File",
persistentStorageOptions => {
Directory => $psessionsdir,
LockDirectory => $psessionsdir,
# Provision test sessions
my @sessionsOpts = (
storageModule => "Apache::Session::File",
storageModuleOptions => {
Directory => $sessionsdir,
LockDirectory => $sessionsdir,
kind => 'SSO',
force => 1,
my @psessionsOpts = (
storageModule => "Apache::Session::File",
storageModuleOptions => {
Directory => $psessionsdir,
LockDirectory => $psessionsdir,
kind => 'Persistent',
force => 1,
Lemonldap::NG::Common::Session->new( {
id => "1b3231655cebb7a1f783eddf27d254ca",
info => {
"uid" => "rtyler",
Lemonldap::NG::Common::Session->new( {
id => "9684dd2a6489bf2be2fbdd799a8028e3",
info => {
"uid" => "dwho",
Lemonldap::NG::Common::Session->new( {
id => "f90f597566f5cce47d9641377776c0c2",
info => {
"uid" => "dwho",
"deleteme" => 1,
Lemonldap::NG::Common::Session->new( {
id => "5efe8af397fc3577e05b483aca964f1b",
force => 1,
info => {
"_2fDevices" => to_json( [ {
'type' => 'UBK',
'epoch' => 1588691690,
'_yubikey' => 'cccccceijfnf',
'name' => 'Imported automatically'
'name' => 'MyU2F',
'type' => 'U2F',
'epoch' => 1588691728
'_secret' => 'mnxkiirpswuojr47kkrty7ax34fy2ix7',
'name' => 'MyTOTP',
'type' => 'TOTP',
'epoch' => 1588691728
"_oidcConsents" => to_json( [ {
'scope' => 'openid email',
'rp' => 'rp-example',
'epoch' => 1589288341
'scope' => 'openid email',
'epoch' => 1589291482,
'rp' => 'rp-example2'
"_session_uid" => "dwho",
Lemonldap::NG::Common::Session->new( {
id => "8d3bc3b0e14ea2a155f275aa7c07ebee",
force => 1,
info => {
"_session_uid" => "rtyler",
sub getJson {
my @args = @_;
my ($str) = Test::Output::output_from( sub { $cli->run(@args); } );
return from_json($str);
sub getLines {
my @args = @_;
my ($str) = Test::Output::output_from( sub { $cli->run(@args); } );
return [ split /\n/, $str ];
my $res;
# Test get
$res = getJson( "get", {}, "f90f597566f5cce47d9641377776c0c2" );
is( @{$res}, 1, "Found one session" );
"Found correct session ID"
is( $res->[0]->{deleteme}, 1, "Found deleteme session key" );
# Change backend
$res = getJson(
{ backend => 'persistent' },
is( @{$res}, 1, "Found one session" );
is( $res->[0]->{_session_uid}, 'dwho', "Found correct session" );
# Persistent mode
$res = getJson( "get", { persistent => 1 }, "dwho" );
is( @{$res}, 1, "Found one session" );
is( $res->[0]->{_session_uid}, 'dwho', "Found correct session" );
# Test output field selection
$res = getJson(
{ select => [ "uid", "_session_id" ] },
is( keys %{ $res->[0] }, 2, "Only selected fields returned" );
is( $res->[0]->{uid}, "dwho", "Found correct UID" );
"Found correct session ID"
# Test search
$res = getJson( "search", {} );
is( @{$res}, 3, "Found 3 sessions" );
# Test search with different backend
$res = getJson( "search", { backend => 'persistent' } );
is( @{$res}, 2, "Found 2 psessions" );
# Persistent mode
$res = getJson( "search", { persistent => 1 } );
is( @{$res}, 2, "Found 2 psessions" );
# Test search with where
$res = getJson( "search", { where => "uid=dwho" } );
is( @{$res}, 2, "Found 2 sessions" );
is( ( grep { $_->{uid} eq "dwho" } @{$res} ), 2, "Both sessions are dwho" );
# Test search with where and field selection
$res = getJson( "search",
{ where => "uid=dwho", select => [ "uid", "_session_id" ] } );
is( @{$res}, 2, "Found 2 sessions" );
is( keys %{ $res->[0] }, 2, "Only selected fields returned" );
# Test search with ID output
$res = getLines( "search", { where => "uid=dwho", idonly => 1 } );
is( @{$res}, 2, "Got two lines" );
( join ':', sort @{$res} ),
"Correct session IDs"
# Delete session
$cli->run( 'delete', {}, "9684dd2a6489bf2be2fbdd799a8028e3" );
$cli->run( 'delete', { persistent => 1 }, "rtyler" );
$res = getJson( "get", {}, "9684dd2a6489bf2be2fbdd799a8028e3" );
is( @{$res}, 0, "Session was removed" );
$res = getJson(
{ backend => 'persistent' },
is( @{$res}, 0, "Session was removed" );
# Set key
$cli->run( "setKey", {}, "f90f597566f5cce47d9641377776c0c2",
"key1", "value1", "deleteme", "newvalue" );
$res = getJson( "get", {}, "f90f597566f5cce47d9641377776c0c2" );
is( $res->[0]->{key1}, "value1", "New key was set" );
is( $res->[0]->{deleteme}, "newvalue", "Existing key was changed" );
# Delete key
$cli->run( "delKey", {}, "f90f597566f5cce47d9641377776c0c2",
"key1", "deleteme", "missing" );
$res = getJson( "get", {}, "f90f597566f5cce47d9641377776c0c2" );
is( $res->[0]->{key1}, undef, "Key was removed" );
is( $res->[0]->{deleteme}, undef, "Key was removed" );
# Show 2FA
$res = getJson( "secondfactors", {}, "get", "dwho" );
is( ( keys %{$res} ), 3, "Found two second factors" );
is( ( grep { $_->{type} eq "UBK" } values %{$res} ), 1, "Found one Yubikey" );
is( ( grep { $_->{type} eq "TOTP" } values %{$res} ), 1, "Found one TOTP" );
is( ( grep { $_->{type} eq "U2F" } values %{$res} ), 1, "Found one U2F" );
# Delete 2FA
$cli->run( "secondfactors", {}, "delete", "dwho",
$res = getJson( "secondfactors", {}, "get", "dwho" );
is( ( keys %{$res} ), 2, "Found two second factors" );
is( ( grep { $_->{type} eq "UBK" } values %{$res} ), 0, "Yubikey was removed" );
# Delete 2FA by type
$cli->run( "secondfactors", {}, "delType", "dwho", "U2F" );
$res = getJson( "secondfactors", {}, "get", "dwho" );
is( ( keys %{$res} ), 1, "Found one second factors" );
is( ( grep { $_->{type} eq "U2F" } values %{$res} ), 0, "U2F was removed" );
is( ( grep { $_->{type} eq "TOTP" } values %{$res} ), 1, "TOTP survived" );
# Show consents
$res = getJson( "consents", {}, "get", "dwho" );
is( ( keys %{$res} ), 2, "Found two consents" );
# Delete consents
$cli->run( "consents", {}, "delete", "dwho", "rp-example" );
$res = getJson( "consents", {}, "get", "dwho" );
is( ( keys %{$res} ), 1, "Found one consent" );
is( $res->{'rp-example'}, undef, "Consent for test-rp removed" );
ok( $res->{'rp-example2'}, "Consent for test-rp2 still present" );
rmtree $dir;