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2020-05-14 23:29:41 +02:00
Do you we have to present `Google <http://www.google.com>`__? The good
news is that Google is a standard OpenID Provider, and so you can easily
delegate the authentication of LL::NG to Google:
.. important::
Google does not support logout trough OpenID Connect. If
you close your session on LL::NG side, your Google session will still be
Register on Google
You need a Google developer account to access to
Here you can go in API Manager and get new credentials (``client_id``
and ``client_secret``).
You need to provide the callback URLs, for example
Declare Google in your LL::NG server
Go in Manager and create a new OpenID Connect provider. You can call it
``google`` for example.
Click on ``Metadata``, and use the OpenID Connect configuration URL to
load them: https://accounts.google.com/.well-known/openid-configuration.
You can also load the JWKS data from the URL
https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/certs. But as Google rotate their
keys, we will also configure a refresh interval on JKWS data.
Go in ``Exported attributes`` to choose which attributes you want to
collect. Google supports these claims:
- email
- email_verified
- family_name
- given_name
- locale
- name
- picture
- sub
Now go in ``Options``:
- In ``Configuration``, register the ``client_id`` and
``client_secret`` given by Google. Set also the configuration URI
with https://accounts.google.com/.well-known/openid-configuration,
and JWKS refresh, for example every day: 86400.
- In ``Protocol``, adapt the ``scope`` to the exported attributes you
want. You can for example use ``openid profile email``.
- In ``Display``, you can set the name and the logo
.. |image0| image:: /applications/google_logo.png
:class: align-center